Advancing research in agricultural and food sciences at Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade

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Advancing research in agricultural and food sciences at Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade (en)


Kompeticija vrsta Ambrosia trifida L. i Ambrosia artemisiifolia L u prirodnom ekosistemu

Savić, Aleksandra

(Универзитет у Београду, Пољопривредни факултет, 2021)

AU  - Savić, Aleksandra
PY  - 2021
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Ambrosia trifida L. i A. artemisiifolia L. pripadaju alohtonim invazivnim korovskim vrstama i često kao pridošlice u kolonizovanim područjima prave velike štete kako po biodiverzitet autohtone flore i vegetacije tako i u biljnoj proizvodnji. Za razliku od A. artemisiifolia koja je kod nas široko rasprostranjena na poljoprivrednim i nepoljoprivrednim zemljištima, A. trifida je za sada lokalno prisutna na području Centralne Bačke. Skorija istraživanja ukazuju na potencijalnu mogućnost širenja A. trifida kod nas i u Evropi, što može biti ozbiljan rizik za agrofitocenoze i ekosistem u celini. Stoga, cilj ovih istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi jačina intra- i interspecijske kompeticije unutar i između A. trifida i A. artemisiifolia pri različitom odnosu njihove brojnosti u prirodnom staništu, odnosno da se proceni da li će A. trifida potisnuti A. artemisiifolia ukoliko se nađu na istom staništu, a takođe i kakve štete se mogu očekivati po useve i ekosistem. U poljskim uslovima (2016. i 2017. godine) na području Šapca, selo Dobrić, primenom modela zamenjujućih serija („Replacement design“) postavljen je ogled po potpuno slučajnom blok sistemu u četiri ponavljanja. Paralelno su rađena dva ogleda, jedan sa ukupnom brojnošću ambrozija (A. trifida + A. artemisiifolia) od 10 (mala gustina) i drugi od 100 (velika gustina) biljaka/m2 pri čemu je ispitivano šest tretmana, odnosno šest odnosa brojnosti A. trifida/A. artemisiifolia (%): 100/0, 80/20, 60/40, 40/60, 20/80, 0/100. Pored zadatog odnosa brojnosti ambrozija po jedinici površine ostali korovi koji su nicali nisu uklanjani da bi se utvrdio efekat interakcije A. trifida i A. artemisiifolia na njihov rast i razviće. Na osnovu vegetativnih (visina i širina biljaka, broj listova, suva masa) i generativnih parametara (broj glavica i cvetova, broj i masa semena) tokom tri ocene (jul, avgust, septembar) proučavana je inter- i intraspecijska kompeticija A. trifida i A. artemisiifolia biljaka.
U drugoj eksperimentalnoj godini (2017.), usled povoljnijih meteoroloških prilika, kod obe ambrozije, u obe gustine i u svim tretmanima (različit odnos brojnosti ambrozija/m2) vrednosti svih merenih (vegetativni, generativni) parametara su bile veće. U obe gustine (10 i 100 biljaka/m2), utvrđeno je da sa porastom brojnosti A. trifida u koasocijaciji sa A. artemisiifolia vrednosti vegetativnih parametara kod A. trifida se smanjuju, odnosno kod A. artemisiifolia rastu. Takav trend, tokom obe eksperimentalne godine i obe gustine, ukazuje na izraženiju intraspecijsku kompeticiju kod A. trifida biljaka, dok je kod A. artemisiifolia bilo suprotno. Sa porastom brojnosti A. artemisiifolia smanjenjem A. trifida biljaka vegetativni parametri bili su u porastu što ukazuje na izraženiju interspecijsku kompeticiju kod A. artemisiifolia. Kao najindikativniji parametar za procenu kompetitivnosti pokazala se suva masa po biljci i po m2. U tretmanima sa 20% udela A. trifida u odnosu na A. artemisiifolia (2/8 biljaka/m2 u malim gustinama, 20/80 biljaka/m2 u velikim gustinama) suva masa A. trifida bila je najveća, a kod A. artemisiifolia najmanja. Međutim, pri odnosu brojnosti 50/50 (%) obe ambrozije imale su istu produkciju suve mase/biljci što znači da jedna drugu neutrališu (tip interakcije neutralizam).
Različit odnos brojnosti A. trifida i A. artemisiifolia odrazio se i na generativnu produkciju ambrozija. U obe gustine i obe godine A. trifida formirala je veći broj glavica i cvetova/biljci nego A. artemisiifolia. Kod produkcije semena bilo je suprotno, tj. A. trifida je produkovala manje semena/biljci od A. artemisiifolia u malim gustinama (u obe sezone), dok je u velikim gustimana u prvoj godini trend bio isti, a u drugoj godini A. trifida je imala veću produkciju semena/biljci nego A. artemisiifolia. Različit trend u produkciji semena između godina kod A. trifida rezultat je povoljnijih meteoroloških prilika u drugoj eksperimentalnoj godini koje su omogućile inače robusnijim A. trifida biljkama da ostvare svoj biološki potencijal. Dodatno, na osnovu Pearson-ovog koeficijenta korelacije utvrđena je visoka zavisnost između gotovo svih vegetativnih i generativnih parametara kod A. trifida i A. artemisiifolia biljaka u obe gustine i obe eksperimentalne godine.
Različit odnos brojnosti ambrozija u malim i velikim gustinama u obe sezone imao je uticaja i na brojnost i pokrovnost ostalih korovskih vrsta. U malim gustinama, u obe eksperimentalne godine, najbrojnije ostale korovske vrste/m2 bile su: Setaria viridis, Polygonum aviculare i Chenopodium album. Takođe, i u velikim gustinama situacija je bila slična, odnosno dominirale su samo Setaria viridis i Polygonum aviculare. U 2017. tj. meteorološki povoljnijoj godini, u obe gustine (mala i velika), vegetativna produkcija A. trifida i A. artemisiifolia biljaka pri svim odnosima njihove brojnosti bila je veća što je uticalo na slabiji rast i razvoj ostalih korovskih vrsta (interspecijska kompeticija).
Na osnovu različitih gustina, različitog odnosa brojnosti A. trifida i A. artemisiifolia /m2 u dve meteorološki različite sezone, na osnovu vegetativnih i generativnih parametara može se konstatovati da je A. trifida pri manjoj brojnosti/m2 jači interspecijski kompetitor kada raste u koasocijaciji sa A. artemisiifolia. Istovremeno, A. trifida ispoljava i jaku intraspecijsku kompeticiju pri većoj brojnosti biljaka/m2 (naročito u monokulturi), što upućuje na zaključak da se ne očekuje da će A. trifida potisnuti A. artemisiifolia ako se u većoj brojnosti nađe u usevu gde je prisutna A. artemisiifolia.
PB  - Универзитет у Београду, Пољопривредни факултет
T2  - Универзитет у Београду, Пољопривредни факултет
T1  - Kompeticija vrsta Ambrosia trifida L. i Ambrosia artemisiifolia L u prirodnom ekosistemu
ER  - 
author = "Savić, Aleksandra",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Ambrosia trifida L. i A. artemisiifolia L. pripadaju alohtonim invazivnim korovskim vrstama i često kao pridošlice u kolonizovanim područjima prave velike štete kako po biodiverzitet autohtone flore i vegetacije tako i u biljnoj proizvodnji. Za razliku od A. artemisiifolia koja je kod nas široko rasprostranjena na poljoprivrednim i nepoljoprivrednim zemljištima, A. trifida je za sada lokalno prisutna na području Centralne Bačke. Skorija istraživanja ukazuju na potencijalnu mogućnost širenja A. trifida kod nas i u Evropi, što može biti ozbiljan rizik za agrofitocenoze i ekosistem u celini. Stoga, cilj ovih istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi jačina intra- i interspecijske kompeticije unutar i između A. trifida i A. artemisiifolia pri različitom odnosu njihove brojnosti u prirodnom staništu, odnosno da se proceni da li će A. trifida potisnuti A. artemisiifolia ukoliko se nađu na istom staništu, a takođe i kakve štete se mogu očekivati po useve i ekosistem. U poljskim uslovima (2016. i 2017. godine) na području Šapca, selo Dobrić, primenom modela zamenjujućih serija („Replacement design“) postavljen je ogled po potpuno slučajnom blok sistemu u četiri ponavljanja. Paralelno su rađena dva ogleda, jedan sa ukupnom brojnošću ambrozija (A. trifida + A. artemisiifolia) od 10 (mala gustina) i drugi od 100 (velika gustina) biljaka/m2 pri čemu je ispitivano šest tretmana, odnosno šest odnosa brojnosti A. trifida/A. artemisiifolia (%): 100/0, 80/20, 60/40, 40/60, 20/80, 0/100. Pored zadatog odnosa brojnosti ambrozija po jedinici površine ostali korovi koji su nicali nisu uklanjani da bi se utvrdio efekat interakcije A. trifida i A. artemisiifolia na njihov rast i razviće. Na osnovu vegetativnih (visina i širina biljaka, broj listova, suva masa) i generativnih parametara (broj glavica i cvetova, broj i masa semena) tokom tri ocene (jul, avgust, septembar) proučavana je inter- i intraspecijska kompeticija A. trifida i A. artemisiifolia biljaka.
U drugoj eksperimentalnoj godini (2017.), usled povoljnijih meteoroloških prilika, kod obe ambrozije, u obe gustine i u svim tretmanima (različit odnos brojnosti ambrozija/m2) vrednosti svih merenih (vegetativni, generativni) parametara su bile veće. U obe gustine (10 i 100 biljaka/m2), utvrđeno je da sa porastom brojnosti A. trifida u koasocijaciji sa A. artemisiifolia vrednosti vegetativnih parametara kod A. trifida se smanjuju, odnosno kod A. artemisiifolia rastu. Takav trend, tokom obe eksperimentalne godine i obe gustine, ukazuje na izraženiju intraspecijsku kompeticiju kod A. trifida biljaka, dok je kod A. artemisiifolia bilo suprotno. Sa porastom brojnosti A. artemisiifolia smanjenjem A. trifida biljaka vegetativni parametri bili su u porastu što ukazuje na izraženiju interspecijsku kompeticiju kod A. artemisiifolia. Kao najindikativniji parametar za procenu kompetitivnosti pokazala se suva masa po biljci i po m2. U tretmanima sa 20% udela A. trifida u odnosu na A. artemisiifolia (2/8 biljaka/m2 u malim gustinama, 20/80 biljaka/m2 u velikim gustinama) suva masa A. trifida bila je najveća, a kod A. artemisiifolia najmanja. Međutim, pri odnosu brojnosti 50/50 (%) obe ambrozije imale su istu produkciju suve mase/biljci što znači da jedna drugu neutrališu (tip interakcije neutralizam).
Različit odnos brojnosti A. trifida i A. artemisiifolia odrazio se i na generativnu produkciju ambrozija. U obe gustine i obe godine A. trifida formirala je veći broj glavica i cvetova/biljci nego A. artemisiifolia. Kod produkcije semena bilo je suprotno, tj. A. trifida je produkovala manje semena/biljci od A. artemisiifolia u malim gustinama (u obe sezone), dok je u velikim gustimana u prvoj godini trend bio isti, a u drugoj godini A. trifida je imala veću produkciju semena/biljci nego A. artemisiifolia. Različit trend u produkciji semena između godina kod A. trifida rezultat je povoljnijih meteoroloških prilika u drugoj eksperimentalnoj godini koje su omogućile inače robusnijim A. trifida biljkama da ostvare svoj biološki potencijal. Dodatno, na osnovu Pearson-ovog koeficijenta korelacije utvrđena je visoka zavisnost između gotovo svih vegetativnih i generativnih parametara kod A. trifida i A. artemisiifolia biljaka u obe gustine i obe eksperimentalne godine.
Različit odnos brojnosti ambrozija u malim i velikim gustinama u obe sezone imao je uticaja i na brojnost i pokrovnost ostalih korovskih vrsta. U malim gustinama, u obe eksperimentalne godine, najbrojnije ostale korovske vrste/m2 bile su: Setaria viridis, Polygonum aviculare i Chenopodium album. Takođe, i u velikim gustinama situacija je bila slična, odnosno dominirale su samo Setaria viridis i Polygonum aviculare. U 2017. tj. meteorološki povoljnijoj godini, u obe gustine (mala i velika), vegetativna produkcija A. trifida i A. artemisiifolia biljaka pri svim odnosima njihove brojnosti bila je veća što je uticalo na slabiji rast i razvoj ostalih korovskih vrsta (interspecijska kompeticija).
Na osnovu različitih gustina, različitog odnosa brojnosti A. trifida i A. artemisiifolia /m2 u dve meteorološki različite sezone, na osnovu vegetativnih i generativnih parametara može se konstatovati da je A. trifida pri manjoj brojnosti/m2 jači interspecijski kompetitor kada raste u koasocijaciji sa A. artemisiifolia. Istovremeno, A. trifida ispoljava i jaku intraspecijsku kompeticiju pri većoj brojnosti biljaka/m2 (naročito u monokulturi), što upućuje na zaključak da se ne očekuje da će A. trifida potisnuti A. artemisiifolia ako se u većoj brojnosti nađe u usevu gde je prisutna A. artemisiifolia.",
publisher = "Универзитет у Београду, Пољопривредни факултет",
journal = "Универзитет у Београду, Пољопривредни факултет",
title = "Kompeticija vrsta Ambrosia trifida L. i Ambrosia artemisiifolia L u prirodnom ekosistemu"
Savić, A.. (2021). Kompeticija vrsta Ambrosia trifida L. i Ambrosia artemisiifolia L u prirodnom ekosistemu. in Универзитет у Београду, Пољопривредни факултет
Универзитет у Београду, Пољопривредни факултет..
Savić A. Kompeticija vrsta Ambrosia trifida L. i Ambrosia artemisiifolia L u prirodnom ekosistemu. in Универзитет у Београду, Пољопривредни факултет. 2021;..
Savić, Aleksandra, "Kompeticija vrsta Ambrosia trifida L. i Ambrosia artemisiifolia L u prirodnom ekosistemu" in Универзитет у Београду, Пољопривредни факултет (2021).

Fruit quality of cherry and large fruited tomato genotypes as influenced by water deficit

Petrović, Ivana; Savić, Slađana; Jovanović, Zorica; Stikić, Radmila; Brunel, Beatrice; Serino, Sylvie; Bertin, Nadia

(Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, 2019)

AU  - Petrović, Ivana
AU  - Savić, Slađana
AU  - Jovanović, Zorica
AU  - Stikić, Radmila
AU  - Brunel, Beatrice
AU  - Serino, Sylvie
AU  - Bertin, Nadia
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of long term moderate drought stress on fruit yield and quality of four parents of the MAGIC TOM population and to gain insight into the differences in sensitivity to drought between large fruited and cherry tomatoes. Results showed that long term water deficit had a negative effect on fresh mass and fruit diameter that were more expressed in cherry tomatoes than in large fruited ones. Long term moderate water deficit can improve fruit taste in large fruited tomato genotypes by active metabolic accumulation of soluble sugar and organic acid (sucrose and citric acid), which are also osmotic active compounds. The reduction in fruit growth of cherry tomatoes compared to large fruits could be compensated for by improving fruit nutritional value (ascorbic acid, carotenoids and antioxidant activity) through both concentration and metabolic responses.
PB  - Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry
T2  - Zemdirbyste-Agriculture
T1  - Fruit quality of cherry and large fruited tomato genotypes as influenced by water deficit
EP  - 128
IS  - 2
SP  - 123
VL  - 106
DO  - 10.13080/z-a.2019.106.016
ER  - 
author = "Petrović, Ivana and Savić, Slađana and Jovanović, Zorica and Stikić, Radmila and Brunel, Beatrice and Serino, Sylvie and Bertin, Nadia",
year = "2019",
abstract = "The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of long term moderate drought stress on fruit yield and quality of four parents of the MAGIC TOM population and to gain insight into the differences in sensitivity to drought between large fruited and cherry tomatoes. Results showed that long term water deficit had a negative effect on fresh mass and fruit diameter that were more expressed in cherry tomatoes than in large fruited ones. Long term moderate water deficit can improve fruit taste in large fruited tomato genotypes by active metabolic accumulation of soluble sugar and organic acid (sucrose and citric acid), which are also osmotic active compounds. The reduction in fruit growth of cherry tomatoes compared to large fruits could be compensated for by improving fruit nutritional value (ascorbic acid, carotenoids and antioxidant activity) through both concentration and metabolic responses.",
publisher = "Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry",
journal = "Zemdirbyste-Agriculture",
title = "Fruit quality of cherry and large fruited tomato genotypes as influenced by water deficit",
pages = "128-123",
number = "2",
volume = "106",
doi = "10.13080/z-a.2019.106.016"
Petrović, I., Savić, S., Jovanović, Z., Stikić, R., Brunel, B., Serino, S.,& Bertin, N.. (2019). Fruit quality of cherry and large fruited tomato genotypes as influenced by water deficit. in Zemdirbyste-Agriculture
Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry., 106(2), 123-128.
Petrović I, Savić S, Jovanović Z, Stikić R, Brunel B, Serino S, Bertin N. Fruit quality of cherry and large fruited tomato genotypes as influenced by water deficit. in Zemdirbyste-Agriculture. 2019;106(2):123-128.
doi:10.13080/z-a.2019.106.016 .
Petrović, Ivana, Savić, Slađana, Jovanović, Zorica, Stikić, Radmila, Brunel, Beatrice, Serino, Sylvie, Bertin, Nadia, "Fruit quality of cherry and large fruited tomato genotypes as influenced by water deficit" in Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 106, no. 2 (2019):123-128, . .

Fitness studies on invasive weedy sunflower populations from Serbia

Vrbničanin, Sava; Božić, Dragana; Pavlović, Danijela; Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija; Stojicević, Darko; Uludag, Ahmet

(Ars Docendi, Bucharest, 2017)

AU  - Vrbničanin, Sava
AU  - Božić, Dragana
AU  - Pavlović, Danijela
AU  - Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija
AU  - Stojicević, Darko
AU  - Uludag, Ahmet
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Weedy sunflower has become a problem worldwide, giving significant yield losses in sunflower and soybean fields even at low densities, decreasing their oil quality and allowing gene flow among crops and weeds. Its evolution differs among countries due to availability of wild forms. The problem is not only weedeness but also herbicide resistance in the Republic of Serbia. Three weedy sunflower populations from Serbia were studied: RWS1 and RWS2, which were presumably ALS herbicide resistant and SWS which is susceptible. Plant height, fresh weight, leaf area, relative chlorophyll content, fecundity and percentage of germination, length and weight of seedlings with and without nicosulfuron application were recorded. The most frequently RWS1 and RWS2 populations were of better ecological fitness than the SWS population under the conditions with and without nicosulfuron application. The number of seed produced was higher in RWS1 without herbicide application and RWS2 with nicosulfuron application. It was concluded that the differences in the level of herbicide-resistance could result in different fitness level of weedy sunflower populations which could promote the invasiveness of these populations in landscape.
PB  - Ars Docendi, Bucharest
T2  - Romanian Biotechnological Letters
T1  - Fitness studies on invasive weedy sunflower populations from Serbia
EP  - 12472
IS  - 2
SP  - 12464
VL  - 22
ER  - 
author = "Vrbničanin, Sava and Božić, Dragana and Pavlović, Danijela and Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija and Stojicević, Darko and Uludag, Ahmet",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Weedy sunflower has become a problem worldwide, giving significant yield losses in sunflower and soybean fields even at low densities, decreasing their oil quality and allowing gene flow among crops and weeds. Its evolution differs among countries due to availability of wild forms. The problem is not only weedeness but also herbicide resistance in the Republic of Serbia. Three weedy sunflower populations from Serbia were studied: RWS1 and RWS2, which were presumably ALS herbicide resistant and SWS which is susceptible. Plant height, fresh weight, leaf area, relative chlorophyll content, fecundity and percentage of germination, length and weight of seedlings with and without nicosulfuron application were recorded. The most frequently RWS1 and RWS2 populations were of better ecological fitness than the SWS population under the conditions with and without nicosulfuron application. The number of seed produced was higher in RWS1 without herbicide application and RWS2 with nicosulfuron application. It was concluded that the differences in the level of herbicide-resistance could result in different fitness level of weedy sunflower populations which could promote the invasiveness of these populations in landscape.",
publisher = "Ars Docendi, Bucharest",
journal = "Romanian Biotechnological Letters",
title = "Fitness studies on invasive weedy sunflower populations from Serbia",
pages = "12472-12464",
number = "2",
volume = "22"
Vrbničanin, S., Božić, D., Pavlović, D., Sarić-Krsmanović, M., Stojicević, D.,& Uludag, A.. (2017). Fitness studies on invasive weedy sunflower populations from Serbia. in Romanian Biotechnological Letters
Ars Docendi, Bucharest., 22(2), 12464-12472.
Vrbničanin S, Božić D, Pavlović D, Sarić-Krsmanović M, Stojicević D, Uludag A. Fitness studies on invasive weedy sunflower populations from Serbia. in Romanian Biotechnological Letters. 2017;22(2):12464-12472..
Vrbničanin, Sava, Božić, Dragana, Pavlović, Danijela, Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija, Stojicević, Darko, Uludag, Ahmet, "Fitness studies on invasive weedy sunflower populations from Serbia" in Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 22, no. 2 (2017):12464-12472.

Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Medik.) productivity in competitive conditions

Vrbničanin, Sava; Onc-Jovanović, Eleonora; Božić, Dragana; Saric-Krsmanović, Marija; Pavlović, Danijela; Malidza, Goran; Jarić, Snezana

(University of Belgrade, University of Novi Sad, 2017)

AU  - Vrbničanin, Sava
AU  - Onc-Jovanović, Eleonora
AU  - Božić, Dragana
AU  - Saric-Krsmanović, Marija
AU  - Pavlović, Danijela
AU  - Malidza, Goran
AU  - Jarić, Snezana
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Medik.) is an invasive alien species in many countries and one of the major weeds in summer row crops worldwide. Weed-management techniques that reduce weed production need to be investigated to provide new approaches. The first step in this process is the determination of weed productivity in different competitive conditions. Field experiments were conducted in 2006 and 2008 in an experimental field in Padinska Skela to quantify growth and seed production of velvetleaf in maize, as well as in a velvetleaf monoculture. A density of velvetleaf ranging from 1 to 8 plants m-1 was artificially created. In a mixture with maize, velvetleaf was sown in crop rows. The growth of velvetleaf was estimated based on plant height, fresh aboveground biomass and leaf area index (LAI). Velvetleaf fecundity was determined as seed mass plant(-1) and seed mass m(-2). Differences between years in plant production were very prominent. In general, velvetleaf productivity in maize depended on its density. Intraspecific competition had a major influence on growth and seed production when velvetleaf density was from 4 to 8 plants m(-1) in maize rows. This information indicates that environmental conditions and weed density can promote/reduce inter-and intraspecific competition and help in the construction of population dynamics models to predict population density, seed bank and competitiveness of weeds and reduce inputs for weed management.
PB  - University of Belgrade, University of Novi Sad
T2  - Archives of Biological Sciences
T1  - Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Medik.) productivity in competitive conditions
EP  - 166
IS  - 1
SP  - 157
VL  - 69
DO  - 10.2298/ABS160212092V
ER  - 
author = "Vrbničanin, Sava and Onc-Jovanović, Eleonora and Božić, Dragana and Saric-Krsmanović, Marija and Pavlović, Danijela and Malidza, Goran and Jarić, Snezana",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Medik.) is an invasive alien species in many countries and one of the major weeds in summer row crops worldwide. Weed-management techniques that reduce weed production need to be investigated to provide new approaches. The first step in this process is the determination of weed productivity in different competitive conditions. Field experiments were conducted in 2006 and 2008 in an experimental field in Padinska Skela to quantify growth and seed production of velvetleaf in maize, as well as in a velvetleaf monoculture. A density of velvetleaf ranging from 1 to 8 plants m-1 was artificially created. In a mixture with maize, velvetleaf was sown in crop rows. The growth of velvetleaf was estimated based on plant height, fresh aboveground biomass and leaf area index (LAI). Velvetleaf fecundity was determined as seed mass plant(-1) and seed mass m(-2). Differences between years in plant production were very prominent. In general, velvetleaf productivity in maize depended on its density. Intraspecific competition had a major influence on growth and seed production when velvetleaf density was from 4 to 8 plants m(-1) in maize rows. This information indicates that environmental conditions and weed density can promote/reduce inter-and intraspecific competition and help in the construction of population dynamics models to predict population density, seed bank and competitiveness of weeds and reduce inputs for weed management.",
publisher = "University of Belgrade, University of Novi Sad",
journal = "Archives of Biological Sciences",
title = "Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Medik.) productivity in competitive conditions",
pages = "166-157",
number = "1",
volume = "69",
doi = "10.2298/ABS160212092V"
Vrbničanin, S., Onc-Jovanović, E., Božić, D., Saric-Krsmanović, M., Pavlović, D., Malidza, G.,& Jarić, S.. (2017). Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Medik.) productivity in competitive conditions. in Archives of Biological Sciences
University of Belgrade, University of Novi Sad., 69(1), 157-166.
Vrbničanin S, Onc-Jovanović E, Božić D, Saric-Krsmanović M, Pavlović D, Malidza G, Jarić S. Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Medik.) productivity in competitive conditions. in Archives of Biological Sciences. 2017;69(1):157-166.
doi:10.2298/ABS160212092V .
Vrbničanin, Sava, Onc-Jovanović, Eleonora, Božić, Dragana, Saric-Krsmanović, Marija, Pavlović, Danijela, Malidza, Goran, Jarić, Snezana, "Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Medik.) productivity in competitive conditions" in Archives of Biological Sciences, 69, no. 1 (2017):157-166, . .

Evaluation of different pcr primers for identification of tumorigenic bacteria associated with grapevine crown gall

Kuzmanović, Nemanja; Biondi, E.; Ivanović, Milan; Prokić, Anđelka; Zlatković, Nevena; Bertaccini, Assunta; Obradović, Aleksa

(Springer, 2016)

AU  - Kuzmanović, Nemanja
AU  - Biondi, E.
AU  - Ivanović, Milan
AU  - Prokić, Anđelka
AU  - Zlatković, Nevena
AU  - Bertaccini, Assunta
AU  - Obradović, Aleksa
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Rhizobium rhizogenes, may seriously impact production in nurseries and vineyards worldwide. Although rapid and efficient detection and identification of tumorigenic bacteria is facilitated by PCR-based methods, high genetic diversity of these pathogens may hinder use of these methods in the disease diagnosis. Therefore, reliability of 11 primer pairs targeting fragments located on Ti plasmid or chromosomal DNA was tested on extensive collection of All. vitis, A. tumefaciens complex and R. rhizogenes strains isolated from grapevine throughout the world. Only primers VCF3/VCR3 targeting virC gene located on Ti plasmid clearly and accurately identified all tested tumorigenic strains associated with grapevine crown gall. Moreover, this primer pair coupled with primers specific for chromosomal pehA gene (PGF/PGR) in duplex PCR, may be recommended as the method of choice for routine preliminary identification of tumorigenic strains and differentiation of All.
PB  - Springer
T2  - Journal of Plant Pathology
T1  - Evaluation of different pcr primers for identification of tumorigenic bacteria associated with grapevine crown gall
EP  - 319
IS  - 2
SP  - 311
VL  - 98
DO  - 10.4454/JPP.V98I2.028
ER  - 
author = "Kuzmanović, Nemanja and Biondi, E. and Ivanović, Milan and Prokić, Anđelka and Zlatković, Nevena and Bertaccini, Assunta and Obradović, Aleksa",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Rhizobium rhizogenes, may seriously impact production in nurseries and vineyards worldwide. Although rapid and efficient detection and identification of tumorigenic bacteria is facilitated by PCR-based methods, high genetic diversity of these pathogens may hinder use of these methods in the disease diagnosis. Therefore, reliability of 11 primer pairs targeting fragments located on Ti plasmid or chromosomal DNA was tested on extensive collection of All. vitis, A. tumefaciens complex and R. rhizogenes strains isolated from grapevine throughout the world. Only primers VCF3/VCR3 targeting virC gene located on Ti plasmid clearly and accurately identified all tested tumorigenic strains associated with grapevine crown gall. Moreover, this primer pair coupled with primers specific for chromosomal pehA gene (PGF/PGR) in duplex PCR, may be recommended as the method of choice for routine preliminary identification of tumorigenic strains and differentiation of All.",
publisher = "Springer",
journal = "Journal of Plant Pathology",
title = "Evaluation of different pcr primers for identification of tumorigenic bacteria associated with grapevine crown gall",
pages = "319-311",
number = "2",
volume = "98",
doi = "10.4454/JPP.V98I2.028"
Kuzmanović, N., Biondi, E., Ivanović, M., Prokić, A., Zlatković, N., Bertaccini, A.,& Obradović, A.. (2016). Evaluation of different pcr primers for identification of tumorigenic bacteria associated with grapevine crown gall. in Journal of Plant Pathology
Springer., 98(2), 311-319.
Kuzmanović N, Biondi E, Ivanović M, Prokić A, Zlatković N, Bertaccini A, Obradović A. Evaluation of different pcr primers for identification of tumorigenic bacteria associated with grapevine crown gall. in Journal of Plant Pathology. 2016;98(2):311-319.
doi:10.4454/JPP.V98I2.028 .
Kuzmanović, Nemanja, Biondi, E., Ivanović, Milan, Prokić, Anđelka, Zlatković, Nevena, Bertaccini, Assunta, Obradović, Aleksa, "Evaluation of different pcr primers for identification of tumorigenic bacteria associated with grapevine crown gall" in Journal of Plant Pathology, 98, no. 2 (2016):311-319, . .

First Report of Leek yellow stripe virus in Leek in Serbia

Vučurović, Ivan; Vučurović, Ana; Nikolić, Dušan; Bulajić, Aleksandra; Milošević, D.; Krstić, Branka; Stanković, Ivana

(American Phytopathological Society, 2016)


Vučurović, I., Vučurović, A., Nikolić, D., Bulajić, A., Milošević, D., Krstić, B.,& Stanković, I.. (2016). First Report of Leek yellow stripe virus in Leek in Serbia. in Plant Disease
American Phytopathological Society., 100(1), 230-231.
Vučurović I, Vučurović A, Nikolić D, Bulajić A, Milošević D, Krstić B, Stanković I. First Report of Leek yellow stripe virus in Leek in Serbia. in Plant Disease. 2016;100(1):230-231.
doi:10.1094/PDIS-04-15-0432-PDN .
Vučurović, Ivan, Vučurović, Ana, Nikolić, Dušan, Bulajić, Aleksandra, Milošević, D., Krstić, Branka, Stanković, Ivana, "First Report of Leek yellow stripe virus in Leek in Serbia" in Plant Disease, 100, no. 1 (2016):230-231, . .

Bioremediation Potential Assessment of Plant Growth-Promoting Autochthonous Bacteria: a Lignite Mine Case Study

Hamidović, Saud; Teodorović, Smilja; Lalević, Blažo; Jovicic-Petrović, Jelena; Jović, Jelena; Kiković, Dragan; Raičević, Vera

(Hard, Olsztyn 5, 2016)

AU  - Hamidović, Saud
AU  - Teodorović, Smilja
AU  - Lalević, Blažo
AU  - Jovicic-Petrović, Jelena
AU  - Jović, Jelena
AU  - Kiković, Dragan
AU  - Raičević, Vera
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Coal and lignite play a major energy supply role in many European countries, including Bosnia and Herzegovina. Yet mining activities are a heavy source of ecosystem contamination, posing significant environmental threats. The primary goal of this study was to isolate and identify autochthonous lignite mine spoil bacteria and evaluate their potential in bioremediation of these polluted soils. Two Bacillus species, Bacillus simplex and a Bacillus cereus group member, were identified using conventional, molecular, and bioinformatics approaches. This represents, to our knowledge, the first microbial characterization of mine overburden in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A co-inoculum of autochthonous bacterial populations was used to treat unvegetated as well as oat- and lettuce-vegetated lignite overburden samples. Our results illustrate the potential of recovered native species to enrich soil fertility and productivity through plant growth promotion.
PB  - Hard, Olsztyn 5
T2  - Polish Journal of Environmental Studies
T1  - Bioremediation Potential Assessment of Plant Growth-Promoting Autochthonous Bacteria: a Lignite Mine Case Study
EP  - 119
IS  - 1
SP  - 113
VL  - 25
DO  - 10.15244/pjoes/59465
ER  - 
author = "Hamidović, Saud and Teodorović, Smilja and Lalević, Blažo and Jovicic-Petrović, Jelena and Jović, Jelena and Kiković, Dragan and Raičević, Vera",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Coal and lignite play a major energy supply role in many European countries, including Bosnia and Herzegovina. Yet mining activities are a heavy source of ecosystem contamination, posing significant environmental threats. The primary goal of this study was to isolate and identify autochthonous lignite mine spoil bacteria and evaluate their potential in bioremediation of these polluted soils. Two Bacillus species, Bacillus simplex and a Bacillus cereus group member, were identified using conventional, molecular, and bioinformatics approaches. This represents, to our knowledge, the first microbial characterization of mine overburden in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A co-inoculum of autochthonous bacterial populations was used to treat unvegetated as well as oat- and lettuce-vegetated lignite overburden samples. Our results illustrate the potential of recovered native species to enrich soil fertility and productivity through plant growth promotion.",
publisher = "Hard, Olsztyn 5",
journal = "Polish Journal of Environmental Studies",
title = "Bioremediation Potential Assessment of Plant Growth-Promoting Autochthonous Bacteria: a Lignite Mine Case Study",
pages = "119-113",
number = "1",
volume = "25",
doi = "10.15244/pjoes/59465"
Hamidović, S., Teodorović, S., Lalević, B., Jovicic-Petrović, J., Jović, J., Kiković, D.,& Raičević, V.. (2016). Bioremediation Potential Assessment of Plant Growth-Promoting Autochthonous Bacteria: a Lignite Mine Case Study. in Polish Journal of Environmental Studies
Hard, Olsztyn 5., 25(1), 113-119.
Hamidović S, Teodorović S, Lalević B, Jovicic-Petrović J, Jović J, Kiković D, Raičević V. Bioremediation Potential Assessment of Plant Growth-Promoting Autochthonous Bacteria: a Lignite Mine Case Study. in Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 2016;25(1):113-119.
doi:10.15244/pjoes/59465 .
Hamidović, Saud, Teodorović, Smilja, Lalević, Blažo, Jovicic-Petrović, Jelena, Jović, Jelena, Kiković, Dragan, Raičević, Vera, "Bioremediation Potential Assessment of Plant Growth-Promoting Autochthonous Bacteria: a Lignite Mine Case Study" in Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 25, no. 1 (2016):113-119, . .

Genetic diversity of tumorigenic bacteria associated with crown gall disease of raspberry in Serbia

Kuzmanović, Nemanja; Prokić, Anđelka; Ivanović, Milan; Zlatković, Nevena; Gašić, Katarina; Obradović, Aleksa

(Springer, Dordrecht, 2015)

AU  - Kuzmanović, Nemanja
AU  - Prokić, Anđelka
AU  - Ivanović, Milan
AU  - Zlatković, Nevena
AU  - Gašić, Katarina
AU  - Obradović, Aleksa
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - During the last 3 years, crown gall disease was observed in some young raspberry plantations throughout Serbia, causing considerable economic losses. Based on biochemical and physiological tests, PCR targeting the 23S rRNA gene, and 16S rRNA and recA gene sequence analysis, at least two different species were identified as causal agents of disease. Out of 14 strains isolated from raspberry tumors, 12 were identified as tumorigenic Rhizobium rhizogenes, one belonged to Agrobacterium tumefaciens genomic species G8, while the remaining strain formed a separate phylogenetic lineage within A. tumefaciens species complex, different from all known genomic species. All strains investigated harbored nopaline-type of Ti plasmid and showed identical pathogenic properties by inoculating several test plants. However, they were divided into two genetic groups based on PCR-RFLP analysis of Ti plasmid virA-virB2 region. Furthermore, total of nine unique ERIC-PCR profiles were identified among the strains studied. Although strains of R. rhizogenes exhibited similar ERIC-PCR profiles, they were differentiated into six distinct genetic groups. Based on the fact that some genetic groups were composed of strains originating from different geographic areas, it can be assumed that they have a common origin and were probably disseminated by movement of infected plant material.
PB  - Springer, Dordrecht
T2  - European Journal of Plant Pathology
T1  - Genetic diversity of tumorigenic bacteria associated with crown gall disease of raspberry in Serbia
EP  - 713
IS  - 4
SP  - 701
VL  - 142
DO  - 10.1007/s10658-015-0645-4
ER  - 
author = "Kuzmanović, Nemanja and Prokić, Anđelka and Ivanović, Milan and Zlatković, Nevena and Gašić, Katarina and Obradović, Aleksa",
year = "2015",
abstract = "During the last 3 years, crown gall disease was observed in some young raspberry plantations throughout Serbia, causing considerable economic losses. Based on biochemical and physiological tests, PCR targeting the 23S rRNA gene, and 16S rRNA and recA gene sequence analysis, at least two different species were identified as causal agents of disease. Out of 14 strains isolated from raspberry tumors, 12 were identified as tumorigenic Rhizobium rhizogenes, one belonged to Agrobacterium tumefaciens genomic species G8, while the remaining strain formed a separate phylogenetic lineage within A. tumefaciens species complex, different from all known genomic species. All strains investigated harbored nopaline-type of Ti plasmid and showed identical pathogenic properties by inoculating several test plants. However, they were divided into two genetic groups based on PCR-RFLP analysis of Ti plasmid virA-virB2 region. Furthermore, total of nine unique ERIC-PCR profiles were identified among the strains studied. Although strains of R. rhizogenes exhibited similar ERIC-PCR profiles, they were differentiated into six distinct genetic groups. Based on the fact that some genetic groups were composed of strains originating from different geographic areas, it can be assumed that they have a common origin and were probably disseminated by movement of infected plant material.",
publisher = "Springer, Dordrecht",
journal = "European Journal of Plant Pathology",
title = "Genetic diversity of tumorigenic bacteria associated with crown gall disease of raspberry in Serbia",
pages = "713-701",
number = "4",
volume = "142",
doi = "10.1007/s10658-015-0645-4"
Kuzmanović, N., Prokić, A., Ivanović, M., Zlatković, N., Gašić, K.,& Obradović, A.. (2015). Genetic diversity of tumorigenic bacteria associated with crown gall disease of raspberry in Serbia. in European Journal of Plant Pathology
Springer, Dordrecht., 142(4), 701-713.
Kuzmanović N, Prokić A, Ivanović M, Zlatković N, Gašić K, Obradović A. Genetic diversity of tumorigenic bacteria associated with crown gall disease of raspberry in Serbia. in European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2015;142(4):701-713.
doi:10.1007/s10658-015-0645-4 .
Kuzmanović, Nemanja, Prokić, Anđelka, Ivanović, Milan, Zlatković, Nevena, Gašić, Katarina, Obradović, Aleksa, "Genetic diversity of tumorigenic bacteria associated with crown gall disease of raspberry in Serbia" in European Journal of Plant Pathology, 142, no. 4 (2015):701-713, . .

Draft Genome Sequences of Agrobacterium nepotum Strain 39/7(T) and Agrobacterium sp. Strain KFB 330

Kuzmanović, Nemanja; Pulawska, Joanna; Prokić, Anđelka; Ivanović, Milan; Zlatković, Nevena; Gašić, Katarina; Obradović, Aleksa

(Amer Soc Microbiology, Washington, 2015)

AU  - Kuzmanović, Nemanja
AU  - Pulawska, Joanna
AU  - Prokić, Anđelka
AU  - Ivanović, Milan
AU  - Zlatković, Nevena
AU  - Gašić, Katarina
AU  - Obradović, Aleksa
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - Tumorigenic strains of Agrobacterium spp. are responsible for crown gall disease of numerous plant species. We present here draft genome sequences of nonpathogenic Agrobacterium nepotum strain 39/7(T) (CFBP 7436(T), LMG 26435(T)), isolated from crown gall tumor on Prunus cerasifera, and tumorigenic Agrobacterium sp. strain KFB 330 (CFBP 8308, LMG 28674), isolated from galls on raspberry.
PB  - Amer Soc Microbiology, Washington
T2  - Microbiology Resource Announcements
T1  - Draft Genome Sequences of Agrobacterium nepotum Strain 39/7(T) and Agrobacterium sp. Strain KFB 330
IS  - 2
VL  - 3
DO  - 10.1128/genomeA.00331-15
ER  - 
author = "Kuzmanović, Nemanja and Pulawska, Joanna and Prokić, Anđelka and Ivanović, Milan and Zlatković, Nevena and Gašić, Katarina and Obradović, Aleksa",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Tumorigenic strains of Agrobacterium spp. are responsible for crown gall disease of numerous plant species. We present here draft genome sequences of nonpathogenic Agrobacterium nepotum strain 39/7(T) (CFBP 7436(T), LMG 26435(T)), isolated from crown gall tumor on Prunus cerasifera, and tumorigenic Agrobacterium sp. strain KFB 330 (CFBP 8308, LMG 28674), isolated from galls on raspberry.",
publisher = "Amer Soc Microbiology, Washington",
journal = "Microbiology Resource Announcements",
title = "Draft Genome Sequences of Agrobacterium nepotum Strain 39/7(T) and Agrobacterium sp. Strain KFB 330",
number = "2",
volume = "3",
doi = "10.1128/genomeA.00331-15"
Kuzmanović, N., Pulawska, J., Prokić, A., Ivanović, M., Zlatković, N., Gašić, K.,& Obradović, A.. (2015). Draft Genome Sequences of Agrobacterium nepotum Strain 39/7(T) and Agrobacterium sp. Strain KFB 330. in Microbiology Resource Announcements
Amer Soc Microbiology, Washington., 3(2).
Kuzmanović N, Pulawska J, Prokić A, Ivanović M, Zlatković N, Gašić K, Obradović A. Draft Genome Sequences of Agrobacterium nepotum Strain 39/7(T) and Agrobacterium sp. Strain KFB 330. in Microbiology Resource Announcements. 2015;3(2).
doi:10.1128/genomeA.00331-15 .
Kuzmanović, Nemanja, Pulawska, Joanna, Prokić, Anđelka, Ivanović, Milan, Zlatković, Nevena, Gašić, Katarina, Obradović, Aleksa, "Draft Genome Sequences of Agrobacterium nepotum Strain 39/7(T) and Agrobacterium sp. Strain KFB 330" in Microbiology Resource Announcements, 3, no. 2 (2015), . .

Gene flow from herbicide-resistant sunflower hybrids to weedy sunflower

Božić, Dragana; Pavlović, Danijela; Bregola, Valeria; Di Loreto, Alessandro; Bosi, Sara; Vrbničanin, Sava

(Eugen Ulmer Gmbh Co, Stuttgart, 2015)

AU  - Božić, Dragana
AU  - Pavlović, Danijela
AU  - Bregola, Valeria
AU  - Di Loreto, Alessandro
AU  - Bosi, Sara
AU  - Vrbničanin, Sava
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - Weedy forms of cultivated sunflower (Helianthus annuus) are invasive species widely distributed in several regions of the world and are commonly controlled by applying acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS)-inhibiting herbicides, such as imidazolinones (IMIs) or sulfonylurea (SUs). The widespread adoption of herbicide-resistant crops has exposed the weedy population to the high risk of crop-to-weedy gene flow. The aim of this study was to check and quantify the gene flow from IMI- and SU-resistant sunflower hybrids to weedy sunflower populations. Field experiments were conducted in 2008 at two sites in Serbia to evaluate the relationship of distance between the crop and the weedy sunflower and its impact on the percentage of gene flow. The weedy sunflower progenies were evaluated through herbicide resistance and SSR marker study. Hybridization with IMI-resistant hybrids was not confirmed. Conversly, SU-resistance trials and SSR marker studies partially confirmed the transfer of resistance within the weedy population.
PB  - Eugen Ulmer Gmbh Co, Stuttgart
T2  - Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection
T1  - Gene flow from herbicide-resistant sunflower hybrids to weedy sunflower
EP  - 188
IS  - 4
SP  - 183
VL  - 122
DO  - 10.1007/BF03356548
ER  - 
author = "Božić, Dragana and Pavlović, Danijela and Bregola, Valeria and Di Loreto, Alessandro and Bosi, Sara and Vrbničanin, Sava",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Weedy forms of cultivated sunflower (Helianthus annuus) are invasive species widely distributed in several regions of the world and are commonly controlled by applying acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS)-inhibiting herbicides, such as imidazolinones (IMIs) or sulfonylurea (SUs). The widespread adoption of herbicide-resistant crops has exposed the weedy population to the high risk of crop-to-weedy gene flow. The aim of this study was to check and quantify the gene flow from IMI- and SU-resistant sunflower hybrids to weedy sunflower populations. Field experiments were conducted in 2008 at two sites in Serbia to evaluate the relationship of distance between the crop and the weedy sunflower and its impact on the percentage of gene flow. The weedy sunflower progenies were evaluated through herbicide resistance and SSR marker study. Hybridization with IMI-resistant hybrids was not confirmed. Conversly, SU-resistance trials and SSR marker studies partially confirmed the transfer of resistance within the weedy population.",
publisher = "Eugen Ulmer Gmbh Co, Stuttgart",
journal = "Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection",
title = "Gene flow from herbicide-resistant sunflower hybrids to weedy sunflower",
pages = "188-183",
number = "4",
volume = "122",
doi = "10.1007/BF03356548"
Božić, D., Pavlović, D., Bregola, V., Di Loreto, A., Bosi, S.,& Vrbničanin, S.. (2015). Gene flow from herbicide-resistant sunflower hybrids to weedy sunflower. in Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection
Eugen Ulmer Gmbh Co, Stuttgart., 122(4), 183-188.
Božić D, Pavlović D, Bregola V, Di Loreto A, Bosi S, Vrbničanin S. Gene flow from herbicide-resistant sunflower hybrids to weedy sunflower. in Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection. 2015;122(4):183-188.
doi:10.1007/BF03356548 .
Božić, Dragana, Pavlović, Danijela, Bregola, Valeria, Di Loreto, Alessandro, Bosi, Sara, Vrbničanin, Sava, "Gene flow from herbicide-resistant sunflower hybrids to weedy sunflower" in Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 122, no. 4 (2015):183-188, . .

Common Cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium) Response to Nicosulfuron

Božić, Dragana; Barac, Miroljub; Saric-Krsmanović, Marija; Pavlović, Danijela; Ritz, Christian; Vrbničanin, Sava

(Univ Agr Sci & Veterinary Med Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, 2015)

AU  - Božić, Dragana
AU  - Barac, Miroljub
AU  - Saric-Krsmanović, Marija
AU  - Pavlović, Danijela
AU  - Ritz, Christian
AU  - Vrbničanin, Sava
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - The response of two populations (CC1, 43.59 degrees N & 20.40 degrees E; CC2, 44.46 degrees N & 20.17 degrees E) of common cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium L.) to nicosulfuron was investigated both in field experiments and in the laboratory. Population CC1 had no history of treatment with any herbicide, while population CC2 was treated with ALS inhibitor herbicides for six consecutive years. In the field, plants were treated post-emergence with nicosulfuron (0, 10, 20, 40, 60 and 80 g ai ha(-1)) at four true leaves. Visual injury estimation and vegetative parameters (plant height, fresh weight, leaf area) were recorded about month after herbicide application. The acetolactate synthase (ALS) enzyme activity in response to herbicide concentrations of 0, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100 mu M was determined in vitro. GR(50) values for vegetative parameters and 150 values for ALS activity were slightly greater for the CC2 than for the CC1 population, but the results confirmed that neither population was susceptible to nicosulfuron. Namely, based on results for fresh weight, the population CC1 was about 3.9 and 2.6-fold more susceptible CO nicosulfuron than population CC2 in two consecutive years, but differences were not so prominent for other parameters (plant height, leaf area and ALS activity), ranging from 1.18 to 1.8-fold. The differences between population CC1 and CC2 could be attributed to inter-population variability in susceptibility CO nicosulfuron or could be the consequence of repeated application of ALS herbicides to the CC2 population during the six previous years. Future investigations are necessary in order to clarify this dilemma.
PB  - Univ Agr Sci & Veterinary Med Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca
T2  - Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca
T1  - Common Cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium) Response to Nicosulfuron
EP  - 191
IS  - 1
SP  - 186
VL  - 43
DO  - 10.15835/nbha4319705
ER  - 
author = "Božić, Dragana and Barac, Miroljub and Saric-Krsmanović, Marija and Pavlović, Danijela and Ritz, Christian and Vrbničanin, Sava",
year = "2015",
abstract = "The response of two populations (CC1, 43.59 degrees N & 20.40 degrees E; CC2, 44.46 degrees N & 20.17 degrees E) of common cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium L.) to nicosulfuron was investigated both in field experiments and in the laboratory. Population CC1 had no history of treatment with any herbicide, while population CC2 was treated with ALS inhibitor herbicides for six consecutive years. In the field, plants were treated post-emergence with nicosulfuron (0, 10, 20, 40, 60 and 80 g ai ha(-1)) at four true leaves. Visual injury estimation and vegetative parameters (plant height, fresh weight, leaf area) were recorded about month after herbicide application. The acetolactate synthase (ALS) enzyme activity in response to herbicide concentrations of 0, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100 mu M was determined in vitro. GR(50) values for vegetative parameters and 150 values for ALS activity were slightly greater for the CC2 than for the CC1 population, but the results confirmed that neither population was susceptible to nicosulfuron. Namely, based on results for fresh weight, the population CC1 was about 3.9 and 2.6-fold more susceptible CO nicosulfuron than population CC2 in two consecutive years, but differences were not so prominent for other parameters (plant height, leaf area and ALS activity), ranging from 1.18 to 1.8-fold. The differences between population CC1 and CC2 could be attributed to inter-population variability in susceptibility CO nicosulfuron or could be the consequence of repeated application of ALS herbicides to the CC2 population during the six previous years. Future investigations are necessary in order to clarify this dilemma.",
publisher = "Univ Agr Sci & Veterinary Med Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca",
journal = "Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca",
title = "Common Cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium) Response to Nicosulfuron",
pages = "191-186",
number = "1",
volume = "43",
doi = "10.15835/nbha4319705"
Božić, D., Barac, M., Saric-Krsmanović, M., Pavlović, D., Ritz, C.,& Vrbničanin, S.. (2015). Common Cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium) Response to Nicosulfuron. in Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca
Univ Agr Sci & Veterinary Med Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca., 43(1), 186-191.
Božić D, Barac M, Saric-Krsmanović M, Pavlović D, Ritz C, Vrbničanin S. Common Cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium) Response to Nicosulfuron. in Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. 2015;43(1):186-191.
doi:10.15835/nbha4319705 .
Božić, Dragana, Barac, Miroljub, Saric-Krsmanović, Marija, Pavlović, Danijela, Ritz, Christian, Vrbničanin, Sava, "Common Cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium) Response to Nicosulfuron" in Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 43, no. 1 (2015):186-191, . .

Tomato: a model species for fruit growth and development studies

Stikić, Radmila; Jovanović, Zorica; Vučelić-Radović, Biljana; Marjanović, Milena; Savić, Slađana

(Institute of Botany and 'Jevremovac' Botanical Garden of the University of Belgrade, 2015)

AU  - Stikić, Radmila
AU  - Jovanović, Zorica
AU  - Vučelić-Radović, Biljana
AU  - Marjanović, Milena
AU  - Savić, Slađana
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - Because of its specific biochemical and molecular properties and nutrient importance, tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is an established model to study fruit growth and development. This review paper addresses several aspects of tomato fruit growth and development including its specific phases, control by water regime, cell wall enzymes, plant hormones and metabolic processes.
PB  - Institute of Botany and 'Jevremovac' Botanical Garden of the University of Belgrade
T2  - Botanica Serbica
T1  - Tomato: a model species for fruit growth and development studies
EP  - 102
IS  - 2
SP  - 95
VL  - 39
DO  - 2-s2.0-84946724714
ER  - 
author = "Stikić, Radmila and Jovanović, Zorica and Vučelić-Radović, Biljana and Marjanović, Milena and Savić, Slađana",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Because of its specific biochemical and molecular properties and nutrient importance, tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is an established model to study fruit growth and development. This review paper addresses several aspects of tomato fruit growth and development including its specific phases, control by water regime, cell wall enzymes, plant hormones and metabolic processes.",
publisher = "Institute of Botany and 'Jevremovac' Botanical Garden of the University of Belgrade",
journal = "Botanica Serbica",
title = "Tomato: a model species for fruit growth and development studies",
pages = "102-95",
number = "2",
volume = "39",
doi = "2-s2.0-84946724714"
Stikić, R., Jovanović, Z., Vučelić-Radović, B., Marjanović, M.,& Savić, S.. (2015). Tomato: a model species for fruit growth and development studies. in Botanica Serbica
Institute of Botany and 'Jevremovac' Botanical Garden of the University of Belgrade., 39(2), 95-102.
Stikić R, Jovanović Z, Vučelić-Radović B, Marjanović M, Savić S. Tomato: a model species for fruit growth and development studies. in Botanica Serbica. 2015;39(2):95-102.
doi:2-s2.0-84946724714 .
Stikić, Radmila, Jovanović, Zorica, Vučelić-Radović, Biljana, Marjanović, Milena, Savić, Slađana, "Tomato: a model species for fruit growth and development studies" in Botanica Serbica, 39, no. 2 (2015):95-102, . .

First Report of Garlic common latent virus Infecting Garlic in Serbia

Vučurović, Ana; Vučurović, Ivan; Stanković, Ivana; Bulajić, Aleksandra; Nikolić, Dušan; Teodorović, S.; Krstić, Branka

(American Phytopathological Society, 2015)


Vučurović, A., Vučurović, I., Stanković, I., Bulajić, A., Nikolić, D., Teodorović, S.,& Krstić, B.. (2015). First Report of Garlic common latent virus Infecting Garlic in Serbia. in Plant Disease
American Phytopathological Society., 99(6), 894-895.
Vučurović A, Vučurović I, Stanković I, Bulajić A, Nikolić D, Teodorović S, Krstić B. First Report of Garlic common latent virus Infecting Garlic in Serbia. in Plant Disease. 2015;99(6):894-895.
doi:10.1094/PDIS-11-14-1229-PDN .
Vučurović, Ana, Vučurović, Ivan, Stanković, Ivana, Bulajić, Aleksandra, Nikolić, Dušan, Teodorović, S., Krstić, Branka, "First Report of Garlic common latent virus Infecting Garlic in Serbia" in Plant Disease, 99, no. 6 (2015):894-895, . .

Characterization and phylogenetic diversity of Agrobacterium vitis from Serbia based on sequence analysis of 16S-23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region

Kuzmanović, Nemanja; Ivanović, Milan; Prokić, Anđelka; Gašić, Katarina; Zlatković, Nevena; Obradović, Aleksa

(Springer, Dordrecht, 2014)

AU  - Kuzmanović, Nemanja
AU  - Ivanović, Milan
AU  - Prokić, Anđelka
AU  - Gašić, Katarina
AU  - Zlatković, Nevena
AU  - Obradović, Aleksa
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Serious outbreaks of grapevine crown gall disease were observed in major Serbian viticultural regions during the last five years. Tumorigenic Agrobacterium vitis was identified as a causal agent by using conventional bacteriological and molecular tests. The 36 studied strains of A. vitis showed homogeneous biochemical and physiological characteristics, but were heterogeneous in their pathogenic properties, especially on tomato and sunflower. Furthermore, genetic differences related to chromosomal and plasmid DNA were observed. The Ti plasmid of 35 strains was classified as the octopine/cucumopine (O/C) type, whereas one was classified as the vitopine (V) type. The O/C strains were further divided into O/C-1 and O/C-2 groups based on PCR analysis. Moreover, the sequence analysis of the 16S-23S rRNA ITS region provided robust and precise delineation of studied strains. Although a high level of genetic diversity in A. vitis strains from Serbia was revealed by using this approach, their genotypic relatedness with the strains from other countries suggested their common origin. Also, association between the chromosomal and plasmid DNA was determined for some phylogenetic groups and clusters.
PB  - Springer, Dordrecht
T2  - European Journal of Plant Pathology
T1  - Characterization and phylogenetic diversity of Agrobacterium vitis from Serbia based on sequence analysis of 16S-23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region
EP  - 768
IS  - 4
SP  - 757
VL  - 140
DO  - 10.1007/s10658-014-0507-5
ER  - 
author = "Kuzmanović, Nemanja and Ivanović, Milan and Prokić, Anđelka and Gašić, Katarina and Zlatković, Nevena and Obradović, Aleksa",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Serious outbreaks of grapevine crown gall disease were observed in major Serbian viticultural regions during the last five years. Tumorigenic Agrobacterium vitis was identified as a causal agent by using conventional bacteriological and molecular tests. The 36 studied strains of A. vitis showed homogeneous biochemical and physiological characteristics, but were heterogeneous in their pathogenic properties, especially on tomato and sunflower. Furthermore, genetic differences related to chromosomal and plasmid DNA were observed. The Ti plasmid of 35 strains was classified as the octopine/cucumopine (O/C) type, whereas one was classified as the vitopine (V) type. The O/C strains were further divided into O/C-1 and O/C-2 groups based on PCR analysis. Moreover, the sequence analysis of the 16S-23S rRNA ITS region provided robust and precise delineation of studied strains. Although a high level of genetic diversity in A. vitis strains from Serbia was revealed by using this approach, their genotypic relatedness with the strains from other countries suggested their common origin. Also, association between the chromosomal and plasmid DNA was determined for some phylogenetic groups and clusters.",
publisher = "Springer, Dordrecht",
journal = "European Journal of Plant Pathology",
title = "Characterization and phylogenetic diversity of Agrobacterium vitis from Serbia based on sequence analysis of 16S-23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region",
pages = "768-757",
number = "4",
volume = "140",
doi = "10.1007/s10658-014-0507-5"
Kuzmanović, N., Ivanović, M., Prokić, A., Gašić, K., Zlatković, N.,& Obradović, A.. (2014). Characterization and phylogenetic diversity of Agrobacterium vitis from Serbia based on sequence analysis of 16S-23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region. in European Journal of Plant Pathology
Springer, Dordrecht., 140(4), 757-768.
Kuzmanović N, Ivanović M, Prokić A, Gašić K, Zlatković N, Obradović A. Characterization and phylogenetic diversity of Agrobacterium vitis from Serbia based on sequence analysis of 16S-23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region. in European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2014;140(4):757-768.
doi:10.1007/s10658-014-0507-5 .
Kuzmanović, Nemanja, Ivanović, Milan, Prokić, Anđelka, Gašić, Katarina, Zlatković, Nevena, Obradović, Aleksa, "Characterization and phylogenetic diversity of Agrobacterium vitis from Serbia based on sequence analysis of 16S-23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region" in European Journal of Plant Pathology, 140, no. 4 (2014):757-768, . .

Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus - Potato Cultivar Susceptibility and Tuber Transmission

Bulajić, Aleksandra; Stanković, Ivana; Vučurović, Ana; Ristić, Danijela; Milojević, Katarina; Ivanović, Mirko; Krstić, Branka

(Springer, 2014)

AU  - Bulajić, Aleksandra
AU  - Stanković, Ivana
AU  - Vučurović, Ana
AU  - Ristić, Danijela
AU  - Milojević, Katarina
AU  - Ivanović, Mirko
AU  - Krstić, Branka
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Although natural infections of potato in Serbia have not been detected, two TSWV isolates from tobacco, with different biological features were compared based on NSm gene sequence analysis and they were used for mechanical and graft inoculations to evaluate the susceptibility of five popular potato cultivars: 'Riviera', 'Arnova', 'Curoda', 'Kondor' and 'Aladin'. Both TSWV isolates infected all tested potato cultivars. Statistical analyses showed that the rate of TSWV transmission from infected foliage to tubers and from infected tubers to progeny plants was affected by cultivars, while virus transmission efficiency was independent of investigated isolates. Different potato tissues used for sample preparation did not influence virus detection by ELISA, but composite sampling from six different tuber parts is recommended since it was the most reliable.
PB  - Springer
T2  - American Journal of Potato Research
T1  - Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus - Potato Cultivar Susceptibility and Tuber Transmission
EP  - 194
IS  - 2
SP  - 186
VL  - 91
DO  - 10.1007/s12230-013-9337-9
ER  - 
author = "Bulajić, Aleksandra and Stanković, Ivana and Vučurović, Ana and Ristić, Danijela and Milojević, Katarina and Ivanović, Mirko and Krstić, Branka",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Although natural infections of potato in Serbia have not been detected, two TSWV isolates from tobacco, with different biological features were compared based on NSm gene sequence analysis and they were used for mechanical and graft inoculations to evaluate the susceptibility of five popular potato cultivars: 'Riviera', 'Arnova', 'Curoda', 'Kondor' and 'Aladin'. Both TSWV isolates infected all tested potato cultivars. Statistical analyses showed that the rate of TSWV transmission from infected foliage to tubers and from infected tubers to progeny plants was affected by cultivars, while virus transmission efficiency was independent of investigated isolates. Different potato tissues used for sample preparation did not influence virus detection by ELISA, but composite sampling from six different tuber parts is recommended since it was the most reliable.",
publisher = "Springer",
journal = "American Journal of Potato Research",
title = "Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus - Potato Cultivar Susceptibility and Tuber Transmission",
pages = "194-186",
number = "2",
volume = "91",
doi = "10.1007/s12230-013-9337-9"
Bulajić, A., Stanković, I., Vučurović, A., Ristić, D., Milojević, K., Ivanović, M.,& Krstić, B.. (2014). Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus - Potato Cultivar Susceptibility and Tuber Transmission. in American Journal of Potato Research
Springer., 91(2), 186-194.
Bulajić A, Stanković I, Vučurović A, Ristić D, Milojević K, Ivanović M, Krstić B. Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus - Potato Cultivar Susceptibility and Tuber Transmission. in American Journal of Potato Research. 2014;91(2):186-194.
doi:10.1007/s12230-013-9337-9 .
Bulajić, Aleksandra, Stanković, Ivana, Vučurović, Ana, Ristić, Danijela, Milojević, Katarina, Ivanović, Mirko, Krstić, Branka, "Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus - Potato Cultivar Susceptibility and Tuber Transmission" in American Journal of Potato Research, 91, no. 2 (2014):186-194, . .

The effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria on Datura stramonium L., Abutilon theophrasti Med., Onopordon acanthium L. and Verbascum thapsus L. seed germination

Božić, Dragana; Jovanović, Ljubinko; Raičević, Vera; Pavlović, Danijela; Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija; Vrbničanin, Sava

(Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection, 2014)

AU  - Božić, Dragana
AU  - Jovanović, Ljubinko
AU  - Raičević, Vera
AU  - Pavlović, Danijela
AU  - Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija
AU  - Vrbničanin, Sava
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - The effects of several bacterial media [Bacillus licheniformis population 1 (MO1); B. licheniformis population 2 (MO2); B. subtilis (MO3); B. megatherium (MO4); humates (MO5)] on seed germination of Datura stramonium L., Abutilon theophrasti Med., Onopordon acanthium L. and Verbascum thapsus L. were tested. Seeds were germinated in Petri dishes containing solutions with different bacterial media. The highest germination percentage in all treatments was recorded for V. thapsus seeds (100.0%). Different treatments had diverse effects (stimulative or inhibitory) on seed germination of D. stramonium [from 5% (MO1) to 13.3% (MO3), with 10.0 % in H20], A. theophrasti [from 28.3% (MO3) to 65.0% (MO5), with 43.3 % in H20] and O. acanthium [from 10.0% (MO2) to 13.3% (MO1 and MO3), with 6.7% in H20], depending on the type of media and weed species.
AB  - Testiran je efekat bakterijskih kultura [Bacillus licheniformis populacija 1 (MO1); B. licheniformis populacija 2 (MO2); B. subtilis (MO3); B. megatherium (MO4); humati (MO5)] na klijanje semena Datura stramonium L., Abutilon theophrasti Med., Onopordon acanthium L. i Verbascum thapsus L. Semena su naklijavana u Petri posudama u rastvorima različitih bakterijskih kultura. Najveća klijavost zabeležena je kod semena V. thapsus (100%). Različiti tretmani pokazali su različiti uticaj (stimulativni ili inhibitorni) na klijanje semena D. stramonium [od 5,0% (MO1) do 13,3% (MO3), u H20 10,0%], A. theophrasti [od 28,3% (MO3) do 65,0% (MO5), u H20 43,3%] i O. acanthium [od 10,0% (MO2) do 13,3% (MO1 i MO3), u H20 6,7], u zavisnosti od tipa kulture i vrste korova.
PB  - Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection
T2  - Pesticidi i fitomedicina
T1  - The effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria on Datura stramonium L., Abutilon theophrasti Med., Onopordon acanthium L. and Verbascum thapsus L. seed germination
T1  - Uticaj zemljišnih bakterija na klijanje semena Datura stramonium L., Abutilon theophrasti Med., Onopordon acanthium L. i Verbascum thapsus L.
EP  - 212
IS  - 3
SP  - 205
VL  - 29
DO  - 10.2298/PIF1403205B
ER  - 
author = "Božić, Dragana and Jovanović, Ljubinko and Raičević, Vera and Pavlović, Danijela and Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija and Vrbničanin, Sava",
year = "2014",
abstract = "The effects of several bacterial media [Bacillus licheniformis population 1 (MO1); B. licheniformis population 2 (MO2); B. subtilis (MO3); B. megatherium (MO4); humates (MO5)] on seed germination of Datura stramonium L., Abutilon theophrasti Med., Onopordon acanthium L. and Verbascum thapsus L. were tested. Seeds were germinated in Petri dishes containing solutions with different bacterial media. The highest germination percentage in all treatments was recorded for V. thapsus seeds (100.0%). Different treatments had diverse effects (stimulative or inhibitory) on seed germination of D. stramonium [from 5% (MO1) to 13.3% (MO3), with 10.0 % in H20], A. theophrasti [from 28.3% (MO3) to 65.0% (MO5), with 43.3 % in H20] and O. acanthium [from 10.0% (MO2) to 13.3% (MO1 and MO3), with 6.7% in H20], depending on the type of media and weed species., Testiran je efekat bakterijskih kultura [Bacillus licheniformis populacija 1 (MO1); B. licheniformis populacija 2 (MO2); B. subtilis (MO3); B. megatherium (MO4); humati (MO5)] na klijanje semena Datura stramonium L., Abutilon theophrasti Med., Onopordon acanthium L. i Verbascum thapsus L. Semena su naklijavana u Petri posudama u rastvorima različitih bakterijskih kultura. Najveća klijavost zabeležena je kod semena V. thapsus (100%). Različiti tretmani pokazali su različiti uticaj (stimulativni ili inhibitorni) na klijanje semena D. stramonium [od 5,0% (MO1) do 13,3% (MO3), u H20 10,0%], A. theophrasti [od 28,3% (MO3) do 65,0% (MO5), u H20 43,3%] i O. acanthium [od 10,0% (MO2) do 13,3% (MO1 i MO3), u H20 6,7], u zavisnosti od tipa kulture i vrste korova.",
publisher = "Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection",
journal = "Pesticidi i fitomedicina",
title = "The effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria on Datura stramonium L., Abutilon theophrasti Med., Onopordon acanthium L. and Verbascum thapsus L. seed germination, Uticaj zemljišnih bakterija na klijanje semena Datura stramonium L., Abutilon theophrasti Med., Onopordon acanthium L. i Verbascum thapsus L.",
pages = "212-205",
number = "3",
volume = "29",
doi = "10.2298/PIF1403205B"
Božić, D., Jovanović, L., Raičević, V., Pavlović, D., Sarić-Krsmanović, M.,& Vrbničanin, S.. (2014). The effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria on Datura stramonium L., Abutilon theophrasti Med., Onopordon acanthium L. and Verbascum thapsus L. seed germination. in Pesticidi i fitomedicina
Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection., 29(3), 205-212.
Božić D, Jovanović L, Raičević V, Pavlović D, Sarić-Krsmanović M, Vrbničanin S. The effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria on Datura stramonium L., Abutilon theophrasti Med., Onopordon acanthium L. and Verbascum thapsus L. seed germination. in Pesticidi i fitomedicina. 2014;29(3):205-212.
doi:10.2298/PIF1403205B .
Božić, Dragana, Jovanović, Ljubinko, Raičević, Vera, Pavlović, Danijela, Sarić-Krsmanović, Marija, Vrbničanin, Sava, "The effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria on Datura stramonium L., Abutilon theophrasti Med., Onopordon acanthium L. and Verbascum thapsus L. seed germination" in Pesticidi i fitomedicina, 29, no. 3 (2014):205-212, . .

Agrobacterium arsernijevicii sp nov., isolated from crown gall tumors on raspberry and cherry plum

Kuzmanović, Nemanja; Pulawska, Joanna; Prokić, Anđelka; Ivanović, Milan; Zlatković, Nevena; Jeffrey, Jones; Obradović, Aleksa

(Elsevier, 201)

AU  - Kuzmanović, Nemanja
AU  - Pulawska, Joanna
AU  - Prokić, Anđelka
AU  - Ivanović, Milan
AU  - Zlatković, Nevena
AU  - Jeffrey, Jones
AU  - Obradović, Aleksa
PY  - 201
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Two plant-tumorigenic strains KFB 330T and KFB 335 isolated from galls on raspberry (Rubus idaeus) in Serbia, and a non-pathogenic strain AL51.1 recovered from a cherry plum (Prunus cerasifera) tumor in Poland, were genotypically and phenotypically characterized. Phylogenetic reconstruction based on 16S rDNA placed them within the genus Agrobacterium, with A. nepotum as their closest relative. Multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) based on the partial sequences of atpD, glnA, gyrB, recA and rpoB housekeeping genes suggested that these three strains represent a new Agrobacterium species, that clustered with type strains of A. nepotum, A. radiobacter, “A. fabrum” and A. pusense. This was further supported by average nucleotide identity values (<92%) between the whole genome sequences of strain KFB 330T and related Agrobacterium species. The major cellular fatty acids of the novel strains were 18:1 w7c (72.8–77.87%) and 16:0 (6.82–8.58%). Phenotypic features allowed their differentiation from closely related species. Polyphasic characterization showed that the three strains represent a novel species of the genus Agrobacterium, for which the name Agrobacterium arsenijevicii sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of A. arsenijevicii is KFB 330T (=CFBP 8308T = LMG 28674T).
PB  - Elsevier
T2  - Systematic and Applied Microbiology
T1  - Agrobacterium arsernijevicii sp nov., isolated from crown gall tumors on raspberry and cherry plum
EP  - 378
IS  - 6
SP  - 373
VL  - 38
DO  - 10.1016/j.syapm.2015.06.001
ER  - 
author = "Kuzmanović, Nemanja and Pulawska, Joanna and Prokić, Anđelka and Ivanović, Milan and Zlatković, Nevena and Jeffrey, Jones and Obradović, Aleksa",
year = "201",
abstract = "Two plant-tumorigenic strains KFB 330T and KFB 335 isolated from galls on raspberry (Rubus idaeus) in Serbia, and a non-pathogenic strain AL51.1 recovered from a cherry plum (Prunus cerasifera) tumor in Poland, were genotypically and phenotypically characterized. Phylogenetic reconstruction based on 16S rDNA placed them within the genus Agrobacterium, with A. nepotum as their closest relative. Multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) based on the partial sequences of atpD, glnA, gyrB, recA and rpoB housekeeping genes suggested that these three strains represent a new Agrobacterium species, that clustered with type strains of A. nepotum, A. radiobacter, “A. fabrum” and A. pusense. This was further supported by average nucleotide identity values (<92%) between the whole genome sequences of strain KFB 330T and related Agrobacterium species. The major cellular fatty acids of the novel strains were 18:1 w7c (72.8–77.87%) and 16:0 (6.82–8.58%). Phenotypic features allowed their differentiation from closely related species. Polyphasic characterization showed that the three strains represent a novel species of the genus Agrobacterium, for which the name Agrobacterium arsenijevicii sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of A. arsenijevicii is KFB 330T (=CFBP 8308T = LMG 28674T).",
publisher = "Elsevier",
journal = "Systematic and Applied Microbiology",
title = "Agrobacterium arsernijevicii sp nov., isolated from crown gall tumors on raspberry and cherry plum",
pages = "378-373",
number = "6",
volume = "38",
doi = "10.1016/j.syapm.2015.06.001"
Kuzmanović, N., Pulawska, J., Prokić, A., Ivanović, M., Zlatković, N., Jeffrey, J.,& Obradović, A.. (201). Agrobacterium arsernijevicii sp nov., isolated from crown gall tumors on raspberry and cherry plum. in Systematic and Applied Microbiology
Elsevier., 38(6), 373-378.
Kuzmanović N, Pulawska J, Prokić A, Ivanović M, Zlatković N, Jeffrey J, Obradović A. Agrobacterium arsernijevicii sp nov., isolated from crown gall tumors on raspberry and cherry plum. in Systematic and Applied Microbiology. 201;38(6):373-378.
doi:10.1016/j.syapm.2015.06.001 .
Kuzmanović, Nemanja, Pulawska, Joanna, Prokić, Anđelka, Ivanović, Milan, Zlatković, Nevena, Jeffrey, Jones, Obradović, Aleksa, "Agrobacterium arsernijevicii sp nov., isolated from crown gall tumors on raspberry and cherry plum" in Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 38, no. 6 (201):373-378, . .