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Energetska efikasnost proizvodnje paprike u zaštićenom prostoru u funkciji primene različitih tipova polietilenskih (PE) folija

dc.creatorMomirović, Nebojša
dc.creatorOljača, Mićo V.
dc.creatorDolijanović, Željko
dc.creatorPoštić, Dobrivoj
dc.description.abstractUsing of different types of modern PE films has afforded several benefits in climate control inside of greenhouse: intensity and spectral characteristics of sunlight, air temperature and humidity, soil temperature and soil moisture. At the same time it is possible to achieve significant savings of resources, machines and labor cost, as well as efficient control of plant diseases, pests and weeds, thus in the field of integral pests management (IPM) of vegetables, flowers and herbs the most common use under protected space it have photo elective films. With the combination of insect proof nets, UV blocking or antivirus films have decrease application of pesticides for the suppression of pests and diseases. System of double polyethylene films have, regarding glass, several advantages especially during the summer, when it is much easier to keep the temperature regime, since overheated glass have emitted infra red waves between 7000 and 15000 nm increasing additionally temperature inside. Effects of application of particular PE films and methods of its combination in order to achieve better energy efficiency of the protected cultivation of peppers have been presented in this work. Energy consumption analysis of pepper production depending of polyethylene film types, mulch films types and thickness of agro textile, have shown that advanced crop models could achieved high energy efficiency, because of higher yields of bell peppers with exportable quality and value, even though higher inputs. Significant influence of consistency and color of mulch films on the character of diffused light and soil temperature regime, as well on the yield, quality and financial results in peppers production have been listed.en
dc.description.abstractUpotreba različitih tipova savremenih polietilenskih folija omogućila je niz prednosti u kontroli najvažnijih faktora klime u plastenicima: intenziteta i spektralnog sastava svetlosti, temperature i vlažnosti vazduha, temperature i sadržaja vlage u zemljištu. Istovremeno su moguće i znatne uštede resursa mašina i ljudskog rada, efikasna kontrola biljnih bolesti, korova i štetočina, tako da u oblasti integralnih sistema gajenja povrća, cveća i začinskog bilja (IPM) najznačajniju primenu u zaštićenom prostoru imaju foto selektivne folije. U kombinaciji sa insekt proof mrežama UV blocking, ili AV-antivirusne folije, smanjuju primenu insekticida u suzbijanju pojave štetočina i biljnih bolesti. Sistem dvostrukih PE folija ima, u odnosu na staklo, niz prednosti, koje su posebno izražene u letnjem periodu, kada je u savremenim objektima zaštićenog prostora mnogo lakše održavati temperaturni režim, jer pregrejano staklo emituje dugotalasno zračenje od 7000 do 15000 nm i dopunski povećava temperaturu unutrašnjeg prostora. U ovom radu prikazani su efekti primene pojedinih tipova PE folija i načina njihovih kombinovanja u postizanju veće energetske efikasnosti proizvodnje u zaštićenom prostoru. Energetska analiza proizvodnje paprike u zavisnosti od tipa PE folije, folija za nastiranje zemljišta i debljine agrotekstila, pokazala je da napredni crop modeli, zahvaljujući visokom prinosu kvalitetne babure izvozne tržišnosti, ostvaruju visoku energetsku efikasnost bez obzira na povećana energetska ulaganja. Ustanovljen je značajan uticaj sastava i boje folija za nastiranje zemljišta na karakter reflektovane svetlosti i na temperaturni režima zemljišta, kao i na prinos, kvalitet i finansijski rezultat u proizvodnji paprike.sr
dc.publisherPoljoprivredni fakultet - Institut za poljoprivrednu tehniku, Beograd
dc.sourcePoljoprivredna tehnika
dc.subjectsystem of double filmsen
dc.subjectenergy efficiencyen
dc.subjectmulch filmsen
dc.subjectsistem dvostrukih folijasr
dc.subjectenergetska efikasnostsr
dc.subjectmalč folijesr
dc.titleEnergy efficiency of protected crop production of peppers regarding different types of polyethylen filmsen
dc.titleEnergetska efikasnost proizvodnje paprike u zaštićenom prostoru u funkciji primene različitih tipova polietilenskih (PE) folijasr
dc.citation.other35(3): 1-13



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