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Mogućnosti poboljšanja kvaliteta semena lucerke primenom temperaturnih tretmana pred setvu

dc.creatorStanisavljević, Rade
dc.creatorPoštić, Dobrivoj
dc.creatorMilenković, Jasmina
dc.creatorĐokić, Dragoslav
dc.creatorTabaković, Marijenka
dc.creatorJovanović, Snežana
dc.creatorŠtrbanović, Ratibor
dc.description.abstractIn addition to normal seeds, hard seeds of alfalfa have often been found after harvest. Such seeds prevent the penetration of water and gases into the seed interior, causing the reduction in germination. They do not tend to germinate even under ideal laboratory or field conditions, or they exhibit late germination. Consequently, they are of no relevance to planting crops. A decrease in the amount of hard seeds and an increase in germination can be achieved by scarification of acids, physical damage to the seed coat, hot water, cooling, etc. Temperature treatment scarification prior to sowing is a simple and inexpensive solution, safe for humans and the environment. The tests were carried out on three alfalfa cultivars: 'Medijana', 'Banat' and 'Zaječarska 83'. Their seeds were exposed to temperatures of 70 oC (for 10, 30, 60 and 90 minutes), 80 oC (for 10, 30, 60 and 90 minutes) and 90 oC (for 10, 30, 60 and 90 minutes). After the treatment under laboratory conditions, the germination rate and the share of hard/dormant seeds were investigated. The results obtained indicate that the increase in germination can be significant (p ≥ 0.05) provided temperature seed treatments are applied. Furthermore, the optimal temperature treatment was found to be essentially dependent on the specific alfalfa cultivar.en
dc.description.abstractU semenu lucerke se, osim normalnog semena, javlja i seme sa tvrdom semenjačom koja onemogućava prodiranje vode i gasova u unutrašnjost i tako sprečava klijanje. Zbog toga, tvrda semena ne klijaju, iako su u idealnim laboratorijskim uslovima ili u polju. Dešava se i da klijaju naknadno, kada su klijanci iz normalnih semena razvijeni, ali kao takvi nemaju značaja za zasnivanje useva. Smanjenje broja tvrdih semena i povećanje klijavosti može se postići skarifikacijom semena kiselinama, fizičkim oštećenjem semenjače, toplom vodom, hlađenjem i dr. Skarifikacija primenom temperaturnih tretmana pred setvu je jednostavna, jeftina i bezbedna za čoveka i okolinu. Ispitivanja su sprovedena na tri sorte lucerke: Medijana, Banat, Zaječarska 83. Seme sve tri sorte je izlagano 10, 30, 60 i 90 minuta na temperaturama od 70, 80 i 90oC. Nakon tretmana u laboratorijskim uslovima ispitivana je klijavost i tvrda-dormantna semena. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da se temperaturnim tretmanima semena može značajno (p≥0.05) uticati na povećanje klijavosti. Utvrđena je značajna interakcija sorta x temperaturni tretman, što ukazuje da je optimalni temperaturni tretman bio različit za različite sorte.sr
dc.publisherNacionalno društvo za procesnu tehniku i eneregetiku u poljoprivredi, Novi Sad
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31057/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31018/RS//
dc.sourceJournal on Processing and Energy in Agriculture
dc.subjecthard seeden
dc.subjecttemperature treatmenten
dc.subjecttvrdo semesr
dc.subjecttemperaturni tretmanisr
dc.titlePossibilities for improving the quality of alfalfa seed by applying temperature treatments before sowingen
dc.titleMogućnosti poboljšanja kvaliteta semena lucerke primenom temperaturnih tretmana pred setvusr
dc.citation.other22(2): 76-79



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