Milovanović, Predrag

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Milovanović, Predrag (23)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200010 (Institute for Plant Protection and Environment, Belgrade) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200117 (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture)
Modulation of antioxidative metabolism in plants for improvement of plant abiotic stress tolerance and identification of new biomarkers for application in remediation and monitoring of degraded biotopes Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200053 (University of Belgrade, Institute for Multidisciplinary Research)
Molecular characterization of bacteria from genera Bacillus and Pseudomonas as potential agents for biological control Development of integrated management of harmful organisms in plant production in order to overcome resistance and to improve food quality and safety
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200032 (Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200116 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200178 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology) New indigenous bacterial isolates Lysobacter and Pseudomonas as an important source of metabolites useful for biotechnology, plant growth stimulation and disease control: from isolates to inoculants
GutFriendlyCarbs - Biotechnological tools for optimization of short and medium chain carbohydrates content in cereal-based food to prevent gastrointestinal disorders

Author's Bibliography

УТИЦАЈ Bacillus spp. НА ПАТОГЕНА ПШЕНИЦЕ Alternaria alternata И in vitro УСЛОВИМА

Bagi, Ferenc; Iličić, Renata; Konstantin, Đina; Pavković, Nemanja; Milovanović, Predrag; Popović Milovanović, Tatjana

(Matica srpska , Serbia, 2024)

AU  - Bagi, Ferenc
AU  - Iličić, Renata
AU  - Konstantin, Đina
AU  - Pavković, Nemanja
AU  - Milovanović, Predrag
AU  - Popović Milovanović, Tatjana
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Species of the genus Alternaria are significant wheat contaminants
during production, transport and storage, requiring biocontrol measures which typically rely on
the bacteria from the Bacillus genera. As these are among the most beneficial and exploited
biocontrol agents, in this study, the inhibitory activity of indigenous Bacillus spp. was assessed
against the Alternaria alternata isolate originating from the wheat seed. Two of the
fifteen Bacillus s pp. i ncluded i n t he s tudy s howed t he i nhibitory effect. Specifically,
25.0−55.0% inhibition of A. alternata growth was achieved when the isolate coded as NB11
was applied in 106−109 cells mL-1 concentrations. On the other hand, when applied in 107−109
cells mL-1 concentrations, the isolate coded as NB16 inhibited A. alternata growth by
35.2−51.1%, but was ineffective at lower concentrations. Thus, these in vitro assays indicate
that both Bacillus spp. (NB11 and NB16) isolated from the wheat rhizosphere can be applied
in practice in the control of A. alternata.
PB  - Matica srpska , Serbia
T1  - УТИЦАЈ Bacillus spp. НА ПАТОГЕНА ПШЕНИЦЕ Alternaria alternata И  in vitro УСЛОВИМА
EP  - 71
SP  - 7
VL  - 146
ER  - 
author = "Bagi, Ferenc and Iličić, Renata and Konstantin, Đina and Pavković, Nemanja and Milovanović, Predrag and Popović Milovanović, Tatjana",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Species of the genus Alternaria are significant wheat contaminants
during production, transport and storage, requiring biocontrol measures which typically rely on
the bacteria from the Bacillus genera. As these are among the most beneficial and exploited
biocontrol agents, in this study, the inhibitory activity of indigenous Bacillus spp. was assessed
against the Alternaria alternata isolate originating from the wheat seed. Two of the
fifteen Bacillus s pp. i ncluded i n t he s tudy s howed t he i nhibitory effect. Specifically,
25.0−55.0% inhibition of A. alternata growth was achieved when the isolate coded as NB11
was applied in 106−109 cells mL-1 concentrations. On the other hand, when applied in 107−109
cells mL-1 concentrations, the isolate coded as NB16 inhibited A. alternata growth by
35.2−51.1%, but was ineffective at lower concentrations. Thus, these in vitro assays indicate
that both Bacillus spp. (NB11 and NB16) isolated from the wheat rhizosphere can be applied
in practice in the control of A. alternata.",
publisher = "Matica srpska , Serbia",
title = "УТИЦАЈ Bacillus spp. НА ПАТОГЕНА ПШЕНИЦЕ Alternaria alternata И  in vitro УСЛОВИМА",
pages = "71-7",
volume = "146"
Bagi, F., Iličić, R., Konstantin, Đ., Pavković, N., Milovanović, P.,& Popović Milovanović, T.. (2024). УТИЦАЈ Bacillus spp. НА ПАТОГЕНА ПШЕНИЦЕ Alternaria alternata И  in vitro УСЛОВИМА. in MATICA SRPSKA JOURNAL FOR NATURAL SCIENCES
Matica srpska , Serbia., 146, 7-71.
Bagi F, Iličić R, Konstantin Đ, Pavković N, Milovanović P, Popović Milovanović T. УТИЦАЈ Bacillus spp. НА ПАТОГЕНА ПШЕНИЦЕ Alternaria alternata И  in vitro УСЛОВИМА. in MATICA SRPSKA JOURNAL FOR NATURAL SCIENCES. 2024;146:7-71..
Bagi, Ferenc, Iličić, Renata, Konstantin, Đina, Pavković, Nemanja, Milovanović, Predrag, Popović Milovanović, Tatjana, "УТИЦАЈ Bacillus spp. НА ПАТОГЕНА ПШЕНИЦЕ Alternaria alternata И  in vitro УСЛОВИМА" in MATICA SRPSKA JOURNAL FOR NATURAL SCIENCES, 146 (2024):7-71.

Proučavanje prouzrokovača vlažne truleži paprike i mrkve u Vojvodini

Popović Milovanović, Tatjana; Iličić, Renata; Jelušić, Aleksandra; Mitrović, Petar; Trkulja, Vojislav; Milovanović, Predrag; Zečević, Katarina

(Društvo za zaštitu bilja, 2023)

AU  - Popović Milovanović, Tatjana
AU  - Iličić, Renata
AU  - Jelušić, Aleksandra
AU  - Mitrović, Petar
AU  - Trkulja, Vojislav
AU  - Milovanović, Predrag
AU  - Zečević, Katarina
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Veliki ekonomski značaj u gajenju brojnih biljnih vrsta, a posebno korenasto-krtolastih,
imaju bakterije iz rodova Pectobacterium i Dickeya, prvobitno opisane kao rod Erwinia. Ove
bakterije prouzrokuju bolest tzv. vlažnu trulež. Štete nastaju usled propadanja zaraženih
plodova, krtola i mesnatog korena. Iako ovi patogeni mogu da prouzrokuju velike štete tokom
proizvodnje, ipak najveće nastaju tokom skladištenja. Primenom metode sekvenciranja DNK
genoma, taksonomija rodova Pectobacterium i Dickeya je u prethodnoj deceniji značajno
izmenjena,usled čega je i pripadnost pojedinih, već opisanih sojeva vrstama iz ovih rodova
iznova determinisana. Takođe, ova metodologija doprinela je otkrivanju velikog broja novih
vrsta bakterija ovih rodova. Tako, rod Pectobacterium do danas broji 20 vrsta, a rod Dickeya
najmanje 10. S obzirom na učestale taksonomske promene, cilj ovog rada je bio da se izoluju i
identifikuju prouzrokovači vlažne truleži paprike i mrkve kako bi se utvrdio genetički
diverzitet novoizolovanih bakterijskih populacija.
Tokom septembra 2022. godine, na lokalitetu Rimski Šančevi prikupljeni su oboleli
uzorci plodova paprike sa simptomima vlažne truleži, a na lokalitetu Futog uzorci korena
mrkve. Simptomi su se javljali u vidu razmekšavanja i propadanja plodova, uz prisustvo
karakterističnog, neprijatnog mirisa. Izolacije su vršene sa prelaznih zona između obolelog i
zdravog tkiva, na podlogu sa saharozom i peptonom. Bakterijske kolonije beličasto krem boje,
glatke, blago ispupčene su se javljale 48 h nakon izolacije i inkubacije na 26 °C. Patogenost
odabranih izolata dokazana je na zrelim plodovima paprike, korenu mrkve, kao i krtolama
krompira. Analiza sekvenci više genskih lokusa (MLSA) vršena je primenom šest
konzerviranih gena dnaX, gapA, icdA, mdh, recA i rpoS. BLASTn analiza Nacionalnog centra za
biotehnološke informacije (NCBI) je pokazala da izolati poreklom sa paprike pripadaju
bakteriji Pectobacterium brasiliense, sa procentom identiteta od 98,96% (dnaX) do 100%
(gapA). Izolati poreklom sa mrkve su identifikovani kao Pectobacterium carotovorum, sa
procentom identiteta od 100%, na osnovu sekvenci svih šest analiziranih gena. Ove bakterije
su u Srbiji prethodno determinisane i opisane kao patogeni krompira, a P. carotovorum i kao
patogen kupusa.
PB  - Društvo za zaštitu bilja
C3  - XVII simpozijum o zaštiti bilja, Zlatibor 2023, 27-30. novembar, Zbornik rezimea radova
T1  - Proučavanje prouzrokovača vlažne truleži paprike i mrkve u Vojvodini
SP  - 48
ER  - 
author = "Popović Milovanović, Tatjana and Iličić, Renata and Jelušić, Aleksandra and Mitrović, Petar and Trkulja, Vojislav and Milovanović, Predrag and Zečević, Katarina",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Veliki ekonomski značaj u gajenju brojnih biljnih vrsta, a posebno korenasto-krtolastih,
imaju bakterije iz rodova Pectobacterium i Dickeya, prvobitno opisane kao rod Erwinia. Ove
bakterije prouzrokuju bolest tzv. vlažnu trulež. Štete nastaju usled propadanja zaraženih
plodova, krtola i mesnatog korena. Iako ovi patogeni mogu da prouzrokuju velike štete tokom
proizvodnje, ipak najveće nastaju tokom skladištenja. Primenom metode sekvenciranja DNK
genoma, taksonomija rodova Pectobacterium i Dickeya je u prethodnoj deceniji značajno
izmenjena,usled čega je i pripadnost pojedinih, već opisanih sojeva vrstama iz ovih rodova
iznova determinisana. Takođe, ova metodologija doprinela je otkrivanju velikog broja novih
vrsta bakterija ovih rodova. Tako, rod Pectobacterium do danas broji 20 vrsta, a rod Dickeya
najmanje 10. S obzirom na učestale taksonomske promene, cilj ovog rada je bio da se izoluju i
identifikuju prouzrokovači vlažne truleži paprike i mrkve kako bi se utvrdio genetički
diverzitet novoizolovanih bakterijskih populacija.
Tokom septembra 2022. godine, na lokalitetu Rimski Šančevi prikupljeni su oboleli
uzorci plodova paprike sa simptomima vlažne truleži, a na lokalitetu Futog uzorci korena
mrkve. Simptomi su se javljali u vidu razmekšavanja i propadanja plodova, uz prisustvo
karakterističnog, neprijatnog mirisa. Izolacije su vršene sa prelaznih zona između obolelog i
zdravog tkiva, na podlogu sa saharozom i peptonom. Bakterijske kolonije beličasto krem boje,
glatke, blago ispupčene su se javljale 48 h nakon izolacije i inkubacije na 26 °C. Patogenost
odabranih izolata dokazana je na zrelim plodovima paprike, korenu mrkve, kao i krtolama
krompira. Analiza sekvenci više genskih lokusa (MLSA) vršena je primenom šest
konzerviranih gena dnaX, gapA, icdA, mdh, recA i rpoS. BLASTn analiza Nacionalnog centra za
biotehnološke informacije (NCBI) je pokazala da izolati poreklom sa paprike pripadaju
bakteriji Pectobacterium brasiliense, sa procentom identiteta od 98,96% (dnaX) do 100%
(gapA). Izolati poreklom sa mrkve su identifikovani kao Pectobacterium carotovorum, sa
procentom identiteta od 100%, na osnovu sekvenci svih šest analiziranih gena. Ove bakterije
su u Srbiji prethodno determinisane i opisane kao patogeni krompira, a P. carotovorum i kao
patogen kupusa.",
publisher = "Društvo za zaštitu bilja",
journal = "XVII simpozijum o zaštiti bilja, Zlatibor 2023, 27-30. novembar, Zbornik rezimea radova",
title = "Proučavanje prouzrokovača vlažne truleži paprike i mrkve u Vojvodini",
pages = "48"
Popović Milovanović, T., Iličić, R., Jelušić, A., Mitrović, P., Trkulja, V., Milovanović, P.,& Zečević, K.. (2023). Proučavanje prouzrokovača vlažne truleži paprike i mrkve u Vojvodini. in XVII simpozijum o zaštiti bilja, Zlatibor 2023, 27-30. novembar, Zbornik rezimea radova
Društvo za zaštitu bilja., 48.
Popović Milovanović T, Iličić R, Jelušić A, Mitrović P, Trkulja V, Milovanović P, Zečević K. Proučavanje prouzrokovača vlažne truleži paprike i mrkve u Vojvodini. in XVII simpozijum o zaštiti bilja, Zlatibor 2023, 27-30. novembar, Zbornik rezimea radova. 2023;:48..
Popović Milovanović, Tatjana, Iličić, Renata, Jelušić, Aleksandra, Mitrović, Petar, Trkulja, Vojislav, Milovanović, Predrag, Zečević, Katarina, "Proučavanje prouzrokovača vlažne truleži paprike i mrkve u Vojvodini" in XVII simpozijum o zaštiti bilja, Zlatibor 2023, 27-30. novembar, Zbornik rezimea radova (2023):48.

Nova formulacija ulja karanfilića (Syzygium aromaticum L.) u kontroli brojnosti krompirovog moljca (Phthorimaea operculella)

Popović Milovanović, Tatjana; Milićević, Zoran; Krnjajić, Slobodan; Milovanović, Predrag; Iličić, Renata; Zečević, Katarina

(Institut za zaštitu bilja i životnu sredinu, Beograd, 2023)


Popović Milovanović, T., Milićević, Z., Krnjajić, S., Milovanović, P., Iličić, R.,& Zečević, K.. (2023). Nova formulacija ulja karanfilića (Syzygium aromaticum L.) u kontroli brojnosti krompirovog moljca (Phthorimaea operculella). in Institut za zaštitu bilja i životnu sredinu
Institut za zaštitu bilja i životnu sredinu, Beograd..
Popović Milovanović T, Milićević Z, Krnjajić S, Milovanović P, Iličić R, Zečević K. Nova formulacija ulja karanfilića (Syzygium aromaticum L.) u kontroli brojnosti krompirovog moljca (Phthorimaea operculella). in Institut za zaštitu bilja i životnu sredinu. 2023;..
Popović Milovanović, Tatjana, Milićević, Zoran, Krnjajić, Slobodan, Milovanović, Predrag, Iličić, Renata, Zečević, Katarina, "Nova formulacija ulja karanfilića (Syzygium aromaticum L.) u kontroli brojnosti krompirovog moljca (Phthorimaea operculella)" in Institut za zaštitu bilja i životnu sredinu (2023).

Diversity of Bacterial Soft Rot-Causing Pectobacterium Species Affecting Cabbage in Serbia

Jelušić, Aleksandra; Mitrović, Petar; Iličić, Renata; Milovanović, Predrag; Stanković, Slaviša; Popović Milovanović, Tatjana

(MDPI, 2023)

AU  - Jelušić, Aleksandra
AU  - Mitrović, Petar
AU  - Iličić, Renata
AU  - Milovanović, Predrag
AU  - Stanković, Slaviša
AU  - Popović Milovanović, Tatjana
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this work was to identify and characterize the pectolytic bacteria responsible for the emergence of bacterial soft rot on two summer cabbage hybrids (Cheers F1 and Hippo F1) grown in the Futog locality (Bačka, Vojvodina), known for the five-century-long tradition of cabbage cultivation in Serbia. Symptoms manifesting as soft lesions on outer head leaves were observed during August 2021, while the inner tissues were macerated, featuring cream to black discoloration. As the affected tissue decomposed, it exuded a specific odor. Disease incidence ranged from 15% to 25%. A total of 67 isolates producing pits on crystal violet pectate (CVP) medium were characterized for their phenotypic and genotypic features. The pathogenicity was confirmed on cabbage heads. Findings yielded by the repetitive element palindromic-polymerase chain reaction (rep-PCR) technique confirmed interspecies diversity between cabbage isolates, as well as intraspecies genetic diversity within the P. carotovorum group of isolates. Based on multilocus sequence typing (MLST) using genes dnaX, mdh, icdA, and proA, five representative isolates were identified as Pectobacterium carotovorum (Cheers F1 and Hippo F1), while two were identified as Pectobacterium versatile (Hippo F1) and Pectobacterium odoriferum (Hippo F1), respectively, indicating the presence of diverse Pectobacterium species even in combined infection in the same field. Among the obtained isolates, P. carotovorum was the most prevalent species (62.69%), while P. versatile and P. odoriferum were less represented (contributing by 19.40% and 17.91%, respectively). Multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) performed with concatenated sequences of four housekeeping genes (proA, dnaX, icdA, and mdh) and constructed a neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree enabled insight into the phylogenetic position of the Serbian cabbage Pectobacterium isolates. Bacterium P. odoriferum was found to be the most virulent species for cabbage, followed by P. versatile, while all three species had comparable virulence with respect to potato. The results obtained in this work provide a better understanding of the spreading routes and abundance of different Pectobacterium spp. in Serbia.
T2  - Microorganisms
T1  - Diversity of Bacterial Soft Rot-Causing Pectobacterium Species Affecting Cabbage in Serbia
IS  - 2
SP  - 335
VL  - 11
DO  - 10.3390/microorganisms11020335
ER  - 
author = "Jelušić, Aleksandra and Mitrović, Petar and Iličić, Renata and Milovanović, Predrag and Stanković, Slaviša and Popović Milovanović, Tatjana",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The aim of this work was to identify and characterize the pectolytic bacteria responsible for the emergence of bacterial soft rot on two summer cabbage hybrids (Cheers F1 and Hippo F1) grown in the Futog locality (Bačka, Vojvodina), known for the five-century-long tradition of cabbage cultivation in Serbia. Symptoms manifesting as soft lesions on outer head leaves were observed during August 2021, while the inner tissues were macerated, featuring cream to black discoloration. As the affected tissue decomposed, it exuded a specific odor. Disease incidence ranged from 15% to 25%. A total of 67 isolates producing pits on crystal violet pectate (CVP) medium were characterized for their phenotypic and genotypic features. The pathogenicity was confirmed on cabbage heads. Findings yielded by the repetitive element palindromic-polymerase chain reaction (rep-PCR) technique confirmed interspecies diversity between cabbage isolates, as well as intraspecies genetic diversity within the P. carotovorum group of isolates. Based on multilocus sequence typing (MLST) using genes dnaX, mdh, icdA, and proA, five representative isolates were identified as Pectobacterium carotovorum (Cheers F1 and Hippo F1), while two were identified as Pectobacterium versatile (Hippo F1) and Pectobacterium odoriferum (Hippo F1), respectively, indicating the presence of diverse Pectobacterium species even in combined infection in the same field. Among the obtained isolates, P. carotovorum was the most prevalent species (62.69%), while P. versatile and P. odoriferum were less represented (contributing by 19.40% and 17.91%, respectively). Multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) performed with concatenated sequences of four housekeeping genes (proA, dnaX, icdA, and mdh) and constructed a neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree enabled insight into the phylogenetic position of the Serbian cabbage Pectobacterium isolates. Bacterium P. odoriferum was found to be the most virulent species for cabbage, followed by P. versatile, while all three species had comparable virulence with respect to potato. The results obtained in this work provide a better understanding of the spreading routes and abundance of different Pectobacterium spp. in Serbia.",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "Microorganisms",
title = "Diversity of Bacterial Soft Rot-Causing Pectobacterium Species Affecting Cabbage in Serbia",
number = "2",
pages = "335",
volume = "11",
doi = "10.3390/microorganisms11020335"
Jelušić, A., Mitrović, P., Iličić, R., Milovanović, P., Stanković, S.,& Popović Milovanović, T.. (2023). Diversity of Bacterial Soft Rot-Causing Pectobacterium Species Affecting Cabbage in Serbia. in Microorganisms
MDPI., 11(2), 335.
Jelušić A, Mitrović P, Iličić R, Milovanović P, Stanković S, Popović Milovanović T. Diversity of Bacterial Soft Rot-Causing Pectobacterium Species Affecting Cabbage in Serbia. in Microorganisms. 2023;11(2):335.
doi:10.3390/microorganisms11020335 .
Jelušić, Aleksandra, Mitrović, Petar, Iličić, Renata, Milovanović, Predrag, Stanković, Slaviša, Popović Milovanović, Tatjana, "Diversity of Bacterial Soft Rot-Causing Pectobacterium Species Affecting Cabbage in Serbia" in Microorganisms, 11, no. 2 (2023):335, . .

Characterization of Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni from Prunus spp. orchards in Western Balkans

Iličić, Renata; Jelušić, Aleksandra; Milovanović, Predrag; Stanković, Slaviša; Zečević, Katarina; Stanisavljević, Rade; Popović Milovanović, Tatjana

(British Society for Plant Pathology, 2023)

AU  - Iličić, Renata
AU  - Jelušić, Aleksandra
AU  - Milovanović, Predrag
AU  - Stanković, Slaviša
AU  - Zečević, Katarina
AU  - Stanisavljević, Rade
AU  - Popović Milovanović, Tatjana
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The present study provides a new insight into the existing Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni (Xap) bacterial population originating from peach and apricot in two Western Balkans countries (Serbia and Montenegro). Multilocus sequence typing and analysis of the sequences of nine housekeeping genes revealed homology between the tested Xap strains as well as with the European population of this bacterium. The tested strains share the same haplotype (Haplotype I) with the Xap strains from Italy, France, Spain, United States, Australia and Brazil. The revealed single nucleotide change (G ↔ C) in the sequences of the gyrB1 gene differentiates Haplotype I from Haplotype II (Xap from South Korea, New Zealand, Argentina and Uruguay). The detached-leaf bioassay results confirmed differences in virulence between strains originating from peach and apricot towards Prunus armeniaca (apricot), indicating host specialization of the apricot strain towards this host. For the first time, immunity of P. fruticosa (European ground cherry) to Xap was established. According to the AUDPC, PCA and cluster analysis, other Prunus spp. were classified as having low susceptibility (P. mahaleb, P. cerasus and P. avium), as susceptible (P. domestica) and as highly susceptible (P. persica, P. dulcis, P. cerasifera and P. spinosa). Xap strains were also found to be susceptible to 10 tested antibiotics. This study provides valuable knowledge on the Xap population from stone fruit grown in the Western Balkans region as well as the source of immunity, which could serve as a starting point for breeding Prunus cultivars and could be used as the main control strategy.
PB  - British Society for Plant Pathology
T1  - Characterization of Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni from Prunus spp. orchards in Western Balkans
EP  - 299
IS  - 2
SP  - 290
VL  - 72
DO  - 10.1111/ppa.13658
ER  - 
author = "Iličić, Renata and Jelušić, Aleksandra and Milovanović, Predrag and Stanković, Slaviša and Zečević, Katarina and Stanisavljević, Rade and Popović Milovanović, Tatjana",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The present study provides a new insight into the existing Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni (Xap) bacterial population originating from peach and apricot in two Western Balkans countries (Serbia and Montenegro). Multilocus sequence typing and analysis of the sequences of nine housekeeping genes revealed homology between the tested Xap strains as well as with the European population of this bacterium. The tested strains share the same haplotype (Haplotype I) with the Xap strains from Italy, France, Spain, United States, Australia and Brazil. The revealed single nucleotide change (G ↔ C) in the sequences of the gyrB1 gene differentiates Haplotype I from Haplotype II (Xap from South Korea, New Zealand, Argentina and Uruguay). The detached-leaf bioassay results confirmed differences in virulence between strains originating from peach and apricot towards Prunus armeniaca (apricot), indicating host specialization of the apricot strain towards this host. For the first time, immunity of P. fruticosa (European ground cherry) to Xap was established. According to the AUDPC, PCA and cluster analysis, other Prunus spp. were classified as having low susceptibility (P. mahaleb, P. cerasus and P. avium), as susceptible (P. domestica) and as highly susceptible (P. persica, P. dulcis, P. cerasifera and P. spinosa). Xap strains were also found to be susceptible to 10 tested antibiotics. This study provides valuable knowledge on the Xap population from stone fruit grown in the Western Balkans region as well as the source of immunity, which could serve as a starting point for breeding Prunus cultivars and could be used as the main control strategy.",
publisher = "British Society for Plant Pathology",
journal = "PLANT PATHOLOGY",
title = "Characterization of Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni from Prunus spp. orchards in Western Balkans",
pages = "299-290",
number = "2",
volume = "72",
doi = "10.1111/ppa.13658"
Iličić, R., Jelušić, A., Milovanović, P., Stanković, S., Zečević, K., Stanisavljević, R.,& Popović Milovanović, T.. (2023). Characterization of Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni from Prunus spp. orchards in Western Balkans. in PLANT PATHOLOGY
British Society for Plant Pathology., 72(2), 290-299.
Iličić R, Jelušić A, Milovanović P, Stanković S, Zečević K, Stanisavljević R, Popović Milovanović T. Characterization of Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni from Prunus spp. orchards in Western Balkans. in PLANT PATHOLOGY. 2023;72(2):290-299.
doi:10.1111/ppa.13658 .
Iličić, Renata, Jelušić, Aleksandra, Milovanović, Predrag, Stanković, Slaviša, Zečević, Katarina, Stanisavljević, Rade, Popović Milovanović, Tatjana, "Characterization of Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni from Prunus spp. orchards in Western Balkans" in PLANT PATHOLOGY, 72, no. 2 (2023):290-299, . .

Osetljivost populacija Brassicogethes aeneus (F.) (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae) na insekticide: rezultati testiranja 2021. godine

Kljajić, Petar; Milovanović, Predrag; Andrić, Goran; Pražić Golić, Marijana; Jovičić, Ivana; Milovac, Željko; Franeta, Filip

(Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, 2021)

AU  - Kljajić, Petar
AU  - Milovanović, Predrag
AU  - Andrić, Goran
AU  - Pražić Golić, Marijana
AU  - Jovičić, Ivana
AU  - Milovac, Željko
AU  - Franeta, Filip
PY  - 2021
UR  -
PB  - Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije
C3  - Savetovanje o zaštiti bilja, Zlatibor, 22-25. februar 2021. 38-39
T1  - Osetljivost populacija Brassicogethes aeneus (F.) (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae) na insekticide: rezultati testiranja 2021. godine
ER  - 
author = "Kljajić, Petar and Milovanović, Predrag and Andrić, Goran and Pražić Golić, Marijana and Jovičić, Ivana and Milovac, Željko and Franeta, Filip",
year = "2021",
publisher = "Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije",
journal = "Savetovanje o zaštiti bilja, Zlatibor, 22-25. februar 2021. 38-39",
title = "Osetljivost populacija Brassicogethes aeneus (F.) (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae) na insekticide: rezultati testiranja 2021. godine"
Kljajić, P., Milovanović, P., Andrić, G., Pražić Golić, M., Jovičić, I., Milovac, Ž.,& Franeta, F.. (2021). Osetljivost populacija Brassicogethes aeneus (F.) (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae) na insekticide: rezultati testiranja 2021. godine. in Savetovanje o zaštiti bilja, Zlatibor, 22-25. februar 2021. 38-39
Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije..
Kljajić P, Milovanović P, Andrić G, Pražić Golić M, Jovičić I, Milovac Ž, Franeta F. Osetljivost populacija Brassicogethes aeneus (F.) (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae) na insekticide: rezultati testiranja 2021. godine. in Savetovanje o zaštiti bilja, Zlatibor, 22-25. februar 2021. 38-39. 2021;..
Kljajić, Petar, Milovanović, Predrag, Andrić, Goran, Pražić Golić, Marijana, Jovičić, Ivana, Milovac, Željko, Franeta, Filip, "Osetljivost populacija Brassicogethes aeneus (F.) (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae) na insekticide: rezultati testiranja 2021. godine" in Savetovanje o zaštiti bilja, Zlatibor, 22-25. februar 2021. 38-39 (2021).


Popović Milovanović, Tatjana; Jelušić, Aleksandra; Milovanović, Predrag; Marković, Sanja; Blagojević, Milan; Iličić, Renata

(Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije, 2021)

AU  - Popović Milovanović, Tatjana
AU  - Jelušić, Aleksandra
AU  - Milovanović, Predrag
AU  - Marković, Sanja
AU  - Blagojević, Milan
AU  - Iličić, Renata
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni (Xap), prouzrokovač bakteriozne pegavosti listova i plodova, rak-rana i sušenja grana koštičavih voćnih vrsta, široko je rasprostranjena fitopatogena bakterija u svetu. Zbog šteta koje izaziva svrstana je u regulisane nekarantinske organizme u Evropi (EU_2019_2072_AnnexIV_RNQP), dok se u Srbiji nalazi na Listi IA deo I (Službeni glasnik 57/15). Parazitira vrste iz roda Prunus, a glavni domaćini od ekonomskog značaja su P. persica (breskva), P. persica var. nucipersica (nektarina), P. domestica (šljiva), P. armeniaca (kajsija) i P. dulcis (badem). U Srbiji je prvi put eksperimentalno potvrđena na području Fruške Gore i to na listovima breskve (Irig) tokom 2019. godine, a nakon toga 2020. na listovima i plodovima kajsije (Bešenovo). U ranijem periodu prisustvo Xap je potvrđeno u gotovo svim državama sa kojima se Srbija graniči. Cilj ovog rada je da se utvrdi genetički haplotip sojeva Xap izolovanih u Srbiji i uporedi sa populacijama ove vrste poreklom sa različitih kontinenata i biljnih domaćina. U radu je korišćeno 20 sojeva bakterije, 10 poreklom sa lista breskve izolovanih 2019. i 10 poreklom sa ploda kajsije izolovanih 2020. godine. Metoda lančane reakcije polimeraze (PCR) je korišćena za amplifikaciju dnaK, fyuA, gyrB i rpoD konzervisanih gena. Sekvenciranjem PCR produkata dobijene su parcijalne sekvence gena. Konkatamerna sekvenca (2558 nt) napravljena je spajanjem sekvenci 4 korišćena gena i korišćena za pravljenje haplotipske mreže (TCS algoritam implementiran u PopART v 1.7 programu) zajedno sa sojevima deponovanim u NCBI bazi podataka (17 sojeva Xap poreklom iz SAD, Novog Zelanda, Argentine, Australije, Brazila, Urugvaja, Južne Koreje, Francuske, Italije i Španije). Prema dobijenim rezultatima svi Xap sojevi poreklom iz Srbije (20) genetički su homogeni. Svi korišćeni Xap sojevi (37) razvrstani su u dva haplotipa; Xap sojevi poreklom iz Srbije kao i sojevi iz SAD, Italije, Francuske, Španije Australije i Brazila pripadaju Haplotipu I, dok sojevi poreklom iz Novog Zelanda, Argentine, Urugvaja i Južne Koreje pripadaju Haplotipu II. Rezultati ukazuju na postojanje dve genitički različite populacije ove fitopatogene bakterije. Takođe može se istaći da nije utvrđena korelacija u srodnosti i poreklu kao i distribuciji Xap, obzirom da mesto izolacije i domaćin sa koga su sojevi izolovani nisu uticali na utvrđeni genotip bakterije.
PB  - Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije
C3  - . XVI SIMPOZIJUM O ZAŠTITI BILJA Zbornik rezimea radova, Zlatibor, 22-25. novembar 2021. 44-44
ER  - 
author = "Popović Milovanović, Tatjana and Jelušić, Aleksandra and Milovanović, Predrag and Marković, Sanja and Blagojević, Milan and Iličić, Renata",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni (Xap), prouzrokovač bakteriozne pegavosti listova i plodova, rak-rana i sušenja grana koštičavih voćnih vrsta, široko je rasprostranjena fitopatogena bakterija u svetu. Zbog šteta koje izaziva svrstana je u regulisane nekarantinske organizme u Evropi (EU_2019_2072_AnnexIV_RNQP), dok se u Srbiji nalazi na Listi IA deo I (Službeni glasnik 57/15). Parazitira vrste iz roda Prunus, a glavni domaćini od ekonomskog značaja su P. persica (breskva), P. persica var. nucipersica (nektarina), P. domestica (šljiva), P. armeniaca (kajsija) i P. dulcis (badem). U Srbiji je prvi put eksperimentalno potvrđena na području Fruške Gore i to na listovima breskve (Irig) tokom 2019. godine, a nakon toga 2020. na listovima i plodovima kajsije (Bešenovo). U ranijem periodu prisustvo Xap je potvrđeno u gotovo svim državama sa kojima se Srbija graniči. Cilj ovog rada je da se utvrdi genetički haplotip sojeva Xap izolovanih u Srbiji i uporedi sa populacijama ove vrste poreklom sa različitih kontinenata i biljnih domaćina. U radu je korišćeno 20 sojeva bakterije, 10 poreklom sa lista breskve izolovanih 2019. i 10 poreklom sa ploda kajsije izolovanih 2020. godine. Metoda lančane reakcije polimeraze (PCR) je korišćena za amplifikaciju dnaK, fyuA, gyrB i rpoD konzervisanih gena. Sekvenciranjem PCR produkata dobijene su parcijalne sekvence gena. Konkatamerna sekvenca (2558 nt) napravljena je spajanjem sekvenci 4 korišćena gena i korišćena za pravljenje haplotipske mreže (TCS algoritam implementiran u PopART v 1.7 programu) zajedno sa sojevima deponovanim u NCBI bazi podataka (17 sojeva Xap poreklom iz SAD, Novog Zelanda, Argentine, Australije, Brazila, Urugvaja, Južne Koreje, Francuske, Italije i Španije). Prema dobijenim rezultatima svi Xap sojevi poreklom iz Srbije (20) genetički su homogeni. Svi korišćeni Xap sojevi (37) razvrstani su u dva haplotipa; Xap sojevi poreklom iz Srbije kao i sojevi iz SAD, Italije, Francuske, Španije Australije i Brazila pripadaju Haplotipu I, dok sojevi poreklom iz Novog Zelanda, Argentine, Urugvaja i Južne Koreje pripadaju Haplotipu II. Rezultati ukazuju na postojanje dve genitički različite populacije ove fitopatogene bakterije. Takođe može se istaći da nije utvrđena korelacija u srodnosti i poreklu kao i distribuciji Xap, obzirom da mesto izolacije i domaćin sa koga su sojevi izolovani nisu uticali na utvrđeni genotip bakterije.",
publisher = "Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije",
journal = ". XVI SIMPOZIJUM O ZAŠTITI BILJA Zbornik rezimea radova, Zlatibor, 22-25. novembar 2021. 44-44",
Popović Milovanović, T., Jelušić, A., Milovanović, P., Marković, S., Blagojević, M.,& Iličić, R.. (2021). DETERMINACIJA HAPLOTIPA SOJEVA Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni POREKLOM SA BRESKVE I KAJSIJE U SRBIJI. in . XVI SIMPOZIJUM O ZAŠTITI BILJA Zbornik rezimea radova, Zlatibor, 22-25. novembar 2021. 44-44
Društvo za zaštitu bilja Srbije..
Popović Milovanović T, Jelušić A, Milovanović P, Marković S, Blagojević M, Iličić R. DETERMINACIJA HAPLOTIPA SOJEVA Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni POREKLOM SA BRESKVE I KAJSIJE U SRBIJI. in . XVI SIMPOZIJUM O ZAŠTITI BILJA Zbornik rezimea radova, Zlatibor, 22-25. novembar 2021. 44-44. 2021;..
Popović Milovanović, Tatjana, Jelušić, Aleksandra, Milovanović, Predrag, Marković, Sanja, Blagojević, Milan, Iličić, Renata, "DETERMINACIJA HAPLOTIPA SOJEVA Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni POREKLOM SA BRESKVE I KAJSIJE U SRBIJI" in . XVI SIMPOZIJUM O ZAŠTITI BILJA Zbornik rezimea radova, Zlatibor, 22-25. novembar 2021. 44-44 (2021).

Etiology of bacterial diseases of young walnut trees in Serbia

Iličić, Renata; Bagi, Ferenc; Blagojević, Milan; Gošić, Jovica; Milovanović, Predrag; Popović Milovanović, Tatjana

(Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection, Belgrade & Plant Protection Society of Serbia, Belgrade, 2021)

AU  - Iličić, Renata
AU  - Bagi, Ferenc
AU  - Blagojević, Milan
AU  - Gošić, Jovica
AU  - Milovanović, Predrag
AU  - Popović Milovanović, Tatjana
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - In the summer and autumn of 2019-2020, young walnut orchards were monitored for the presence of bacterial diseases. Diseased walnut samples comprising trunks and branches with symptoms of vertical oozing canker (VOC), walnut bacterial blight (WBB) and superficial bark necrosis were collected from eight locations in Serbia. Based on phenotypic features, pathogenicity, and molecular assays using PCR with specific primers, 49 isolates obtained from samples showing VOC and WBB symptoms were identified as Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis, while further two isolates obtained from bark necrosis were identified as Brenneria rubrifaciens. One tested X. a. pv. juglandis isolate obtained from a VOC sample produced deep cankers in the bark of inoculated trunks of young walnut trees (cultivars Chandler, Franquette and Šejnovo). Therefore, this is the first report of an association between X. a. pv. juglandis and VOC symptom in Serbia. Considering that X. a. pv. juglandis significantly endangers walnut production, the presence of this pathogen in walnut transplant imports needs to be assessed by an authorised laboratory. Furthermore, as this is also the first report of B. rubrifaciens on walnut trees in Serbia, it is noteworthy that this pathogen is not particularly harmful to young walnut trees.
PB  - Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection, Belgrade & Plant Protection Society of Serbia, Belgrade
T2  - Pesticides and Phytomedicine/Pesticidi i fitomedicina
T1  - Etiology of bacterial diseases of young walnut trees in Serbia
EP  - 109
IS  - 3
SP  - 101
VL  - 36
DO  - 10.2298/PIF2103101I
ER  - 
author = "Iličić, Renata and Bagi, Ferenc and Blagojević, Milan and Gošić, Jovica and Milovanović, Predrag and Popović Milovanović, Tatjana",
year = "2021",
abstract = "In the summer and autumn of 2019-2020, young walnut orchards were monitored for the presence of bacterial diseases. Diseased walnut samples comprising trunks and branches with symptoms of vertical oozing canker (VOC), walnut bacterial blight (WBB) and superficial bark necrosis were collected from eight locations in Serbia. Based on phenotypic features, pathogenicity, and molecular assays using PCR with specific primers, 49 isolates obtained from samples showing VOC and WBB symptoms were identified as Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis, while further two isolates obtained from bark necrosis were identified as Brenneria rubrifaciens. One tested X. a. pv. juglandis isolate obtained from a VOC sample produced deep cankers in the bark of inoculated trunks of young walnut trees (cultivars Chandler, Franquette and Šejnovo). Therefore, this is the first report of an association between X. a. pv. juglandis and VOC symptom in Serbia. Considering that X. a. pv. juglandis significantly endangers walnut production, the presence of this pathogen in walnut transplant imports needs to be assessed by an authorised laboratory. Furthermore, as this is also the first report of B. rubrifaciens on walnut trees in Serbia, it is noteworthy that this pathogen is not particularly harmful to young walnut trees.",
publisher = "Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection, Belgrade & Plant Protection Society of Serbia, Belgrade",
journal = "Pesticides and Phytomedicine/Pesticidi i fitomedicina",
title = "Etiology of bacterial diseases of young walnut trees in Serbia",
pages = "109-101",
number = "3",
volume = "36",
doi = "10.2298/PIF2103101I"
Iličić, R., Bagi, F., Blagojević, M., Gošić, J., Milovanović, P.,& Popović Milovanović, T.. (2021). Etiology of bacterial diseases of young walnut trees in Serbia. in Pesticides and Phytomedicine/Pesticidi i fitomedicina
Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection, Belgrade & Plant Protection Society of Serbia, Belgrade., 36(3), 101-109.
Iličić R, Bagi F, Blagojević M, Gošić J, Milovanović P, Popović Milovanović T. Etiology of bacterial diseases of young walnut trees in Serbia. in Pesticides and Phytomedicine/Pesticidi i fitomedicina. 2021;36(3):101-109.
doi:10.2298/PIF2103101I .
Iličić, Renata, Bagi, Ferenc, Blagojević, Milan, Gošić, Jovica, Milovanović, Predrag, Popović Milovanović, Tatjana, "Etiology of bacterial diseases of young walnut trees in Serbia" in Pesticides and Phytomedicine/Pesticidi i fitomedicina, 36, no. 3 (2021):101-109, . .

Susceptibility of Brassicogethes aeneus (f.) (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) populations from Serbia to insecticides

Kljajić, Petar; Milovanović, Predrag; Andrić, Goran; Pražić Golić, Marijana; Jovičić, Ivana; Milovac, Željko; Franeta, Filip

(Društvo za zaštitu bilja, 2019)

AU  - Kljajić, Petar
AU  - Milovanović, Predrag
AU  - Andrić, Goran
AU  - Pražić Golić, Marijana
AU  - Jovičić, Ivana
AU  - Milovac, Željko
AU  - Franeta, Filip
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Intensive use of synthetic insecticides, mostly pyrethroids and organophosphates, for control of pollen beetle, Brassicogethes aeneus (F.), a major pest in winter oilseed rape (OSR), is a priority concern regarding their increased potential for selection pressure, which leads to increasingly widespread resistance development. The objective of this study was to determine susceptibility levels of B. aeneus populations from Serbia to insecticides from different classes (organophosphates, pyrethroids and oxidiazines). Using IRAC Susceptibility Test Method No. 027, populations were sampled from fields with winter OSR crops in: Bačka Topola, Kikinda, Dobanovci and Novi Sad (Rimski šančevi 1 and Rimski šančevi 2). More than 300 specimens per population were collected during April 2019 and, before bioassays were set up, the imagoes of B. aeneus were stored at 5°C. Only imagoes which had good fitness were used in the bioassays. Insecticides based on lambda-cyhalothrin, cypermethrin, deltamethrin, chlorpyrifos + cypermethrin and indoxacarb were diluted in water + acetone mixture (5%+95%) and applied at 25 and 100% of their recommended label doses (RLD). Vials (5.5 cm x 2.5 cm, and 48 cm2 internal surfaces) were used in the lab trials and they were filled with 0.5 mL solution of each insecticide and then rotated until the deposits dried. Control vials contained only water + acetone mixture. Ten imagoes were added to each vial. Each test dose and insecticide was represented in three replicates and the trial was carried out at 22±2°C temperature, 60±5% RH and 16:8 LD photoperiod. Dead imagoes were counted after 24 h of exposure to each insecticide deposit. The results show that pollen beetles from all test populations were highly susceptible (caused 100% mortality) to 100% RLD of all insecticides, except Dobanovci and Bačka Topola populations, which were susceptible to deltamethrin and lambda-cyhalothrin, 97% and 93% mortality, respectively. Also, only chlorpyrifos + cypermethrin and indoxacarb 25% RLD caused 100% mortality of test populations, and all insecticides except deltamethrin in Rimski šančevi 2 population. The lowest susceptibility caused by deltamethrin 25% RLD was detected in Bačka Topola and Rimski šančevi 1 beetles, only 40% mortality, then Kikinda beetles, 27% mortality, and beetles from Rimski šančevi 2, no mortality. Based on IRAC classification, we inferred that all test populations of pollen beetles from Serbia belong to the second group, i.e. populations susceptible to the test insecticides.
PB  - Društvo za zaštitu bilja
C3  - VIII Congres on Plant Protection, November 25-29.2019., Zlatibor, Serbia
T1  - Susceptibility of Brassicogethes aeneus (f.) (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) populations from Serbia to insecticides
SP  - 134
ER  - 
author = "Kljajić, Petar and Milovanović, Predrag and Andrić, Goran and Pražić Golić, Marijana and Jovičić, Ivana and Milovac, Željko and Franeta, Filip",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Intensive use of synthetic insecticides, mostly pyrethroids and organophosphates, for control of pollen beetle, Brassicogethes aeneus (F.), a major pest in winter oilseed rape (OSR), is a priority concern regarding their increased potential for selection pressure, which leads to increasingly widespread resistance development. The objective of this study was to determine susceptibility levels of B. aeneus populations from Serbia to insecticides from different classes (organophosphates, pyrethroids and oxidiazines). Using IRAC Susceptibility Test Method No. 027, populations were sampled from fields with winter OSR crops in: Bačka Topola, Kikinda, Dobanovci and Novi Sad (Rimski šančevi 1 and Rimski šančevi 2). More than 300 specimens per population were collected during April 2019 and, before bioassays were set up, the imagoes of B. aeneus were stored at 5°C. Only imagoes which had good fitness were used in the bioassays. Insecticides based on lambda-cyhalothrin, cypermethrin, deltamethrin, chlorpyrifos + cypermethrin and indoxacarb were diluted in water + acetone mixture (5%+95%) and applied at 25 and 100% of their recommended label doses (RLD). Vials (5.5 cm x 2.5 cm, and 48 cm2 internal surfaces) were used in the lab trials and they were filled with 0.5 mL solution of each insecticide and then rotated until the deposits dried. Control vials contained only water + acetone mixture. Ten imagoes were added to each vial. Each test dose and insecticide was represented in three replicates and the trial was carried out at 22±2°C temperature, 60±5% RH and 16:8 LD photoperiod. Dead imagoes were counted after 24 h of exposure to each insecticide deposit. The results show that pollen beetles from all test populations were highly susceptible (caused 100% mortality) to 100% RLD of all insecticides, except Dobanovci and Bačka Topola populations, which were susceptible to deltamethrin and lambda-cyhalothrin, 97% and 93% mortality, respectively. Also, only chlorpyrifos + cypermethrin and indoxacarb 25% RLD caused 100% mortality of test populations, and all insecticides except deltamethrin in Rimski šančevi 2 population. The lowest susceptibility caused by deltamethrin 25% RLD was detected in Bačka Topola and Rimski šančevi 1 beetles, only 40% mortality, then Kikinda beetles, 27% mortality, and beetles from Rimski šančevi 2, no mortality. Based on IRAC classification, we inferred that all test populations of pollen beetles from Serbia belong to the second group, i.e. populations susceptible to the test insecticides.",
publisher = "Društvo za zaštitu bilja",
journal = "VIII Congres on Plant Protection, November 25-29.2019., Zlatibor, Serbia",
title = "Susceptibility of Brassicogethes aeneus (f.) (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) populations from Serbia to insecticides",
pages = "134"
Kljajić, P., Milovanović, P., Andrić, G., Pražić Golić, M., Jovičić, I., Milovac, Ž.,& Franeta, F.. (2019). Susceptibility of Brassicogethes aeneus (f.) (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) populations from Serbia to insecticides. in VIII Congres on Plant Protection, November 25-29.2019., Zlatibor, Serbia
Društvo za zaštitu bilja., 134.
Kljajić P, Milovanović P, Andrić G, Pražić Golić M, Jovičić I, Milovac Ž, Franeta F. Susceptibility of Brassicogethes aeneus (f.) (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) populations from Serbia to insecticides. in VIII Congres on Plant Protection, November 25-29.2019., Zlatibor, Serbia. 2019;:134..
Kljajić, Petar, Milovanović, Predrag, Andrić, Goran, Pražić Golić, Marijana, Jovičić, Ivana, Milovac, Željko, Franeta, Filip, "Susceptibility of Brassicogethes aeneus (f.) (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) populations from Serbia to insecticides" in VIII Congres on Plant Protection, November 25-29.2019., Zlatibor, Serbia (2019):134.

Dynamic of Brassicogethes aeneus (F.) (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae) populations in Serbia’s downriver Danube section and their susceptibility to insecticides

Milovanović, Predrag; Kljajić, Petar; Popović, Tatjana; Andrić, Goran; Pražić-Golić, Marijana

(Madrid : Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), 2019)

AU  - Milovanović, Predrag
AU  - Kljajić, Petar
AU  - Popović, Tatjana
AU  - Andrić, Goran
AU  - Pražić-Golić, Marijana
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - This paper presents data on the dynamic of B. aeneus populations in winter oilseed rape in the downriver section of the Danube in Serbia, which were acquired by yellow water traps and a beating method. Their susceptibility to several insecticides of different classes (organophosphates, pyrethroids and neonicotinoids) (adult vial test and dipping test) was tested over two seasons (2009 and 2010). B. aeneus populations developing under the agroecological conditions that exist in Serbia were monitored to detect the moment of OSR infestation during its sensitive growth stages. Adults were counted, and the data revealed that they infest winter OSR crops during the stem elongation growth stage (BBCH 30-31), reaching a population peak at the green-yellow bud stage (BBCH 57-59), and exceeding the economic threshold, while the populations decreased substantially during the subsequent stage (BBCH 61-69). Laboratory test results did not confirm any changes in B. aeneus susceptibility/resistance to pyrethroid, organophosphate and neonicotinoid insecticides. Migration of B. aeneus populations was monitored as a way of developing predictive models for estimation of infestation severity and the timing of pest outbreaks under agroecological conditions existing in Serbia. As resistance to pyrethroids has been confirmed in B. aeneus populations in many European countries, their susceptibility will be further monitored.
PB  - Madrid : Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA)
T2  - Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research
T1  - Dynamic of Brassicogethes aeneus (F.) (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae) populations in Serbia’s downriver Danube section and their susceptibility to insecticides
IS  - 2
SP  - e1008
VL  - 17
DO  - 10.5424/sjar/2019172-14219
ER  - 
author = "Milovanović, Predrag and Kljajić, Petar and Popović, Tatjana and Andrić, Goran and Pražić-Golić, Marijana",
year = "2019",
abstract = "This paper presents data on the dynamic of B. aeneus populations in winter oilseed rape in the downriver section of the Danube in Serbia, which were acquired by yellow water traps and a beating method. Their susceptibility to several insecticides of different classes (organophosphates, pyrethroids and neonicotinoids) (adult vial test and dipping test) was tested over two seasons (2009 and 2010). B. aeneus populations developing under the agroecological conditions that exist in Serbia were monitored to detect the moment of OSR infestation during its sensitive growth stages. Adults were counted, and the data revealed that they infest winter OSR crops during the stem elongation growth stage (BBCH 30-31), reaching a population peak at the green-yellow bud stage (BBCH 57-59), and exceeding the economic threshold, while the populations decreased substantially during the subsequent stage (BBCH 61-69). Laboratory test results did not confirm any changes in B. aeneus susceptibility/resistance to pyrethroid, organophosphate and neonicotinoid insecticides. Migration of B. aeneus populations was monitored as a way of developing predictive models for estimation of infestation severity and the timing of pest outbreaks under agroecological conditions existing in Serbia. As resistance to pyrethroids has been confirmed in B. aeneus populations in many European countries, their susceptibility will be further monitored.",
publisher = "Madrid : Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA)",
journal = "Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research",
title = "Dynamic of Brassicogethes aeneus (F.) (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae) populations in Serbia’s downriver Danube section and their susceptibility to insecticides",
number = "2",
pages = "e1008",
volume = "17",
doi = "10.5424/sjar/2019172-14219"
Milovanović, P., Kljajić, P., Popović, T., Andrić, G.,& Pražić-Golić, M.. (2019). Dynamic of Brassicogethes aeneus (F.) (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae) populations in Serbia’s downriver Danube section and their susceptibility to insecticides. in Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research
Madrid : Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA)., 17(2), e1008.
Milovanović P, Kljajić P, Popović T, Andrić G, Pražić-Golić M. Dynamic of Brassicogethes aeneus (F.) (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae) populations in Serbia’s downriver Danube section and their susceptibility to insecticides. in Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research. 2019;17(2):e1008.
doi:10.5424/sjar/2019172-14219 .
Milovanović, Predrag, Kljajić, Petar, Popović, Tatjana, Andrić, Goran, Pražić-Golić, Marijana, "Dynamic of Brassicogethes aeneus (F.) (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae) populations in Serbia’s downriver Danube section and their susceptibility to insecticides" in Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 17, no. 2 (2019):e1008, . .

A blight disease on highbush blueberry associated with Macrophomina phaseolina in Serbia

Popović, Tatjana; Blagojević, Jovana; Aleksić, Goran; Jelušić, Aleksandra; Krnjajić, Slobodan; Milovanović, Predrag

(Abingdon : Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2018)

AU  - Popović, Tatjana
AU  - Blagojević, Jovana
AU  - Aleksić, Goran
AU  - Jelušić, Aleksandra
AU  - Krnjajić, Slobodan
AU  - Milovanović, Predrag
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Unusual blight-like symptoms appeared on highbush blueberry plants in Serbia during August 2015 and infected plants showed browning and reddening of leaves, drying of foliage and brown discolouration of internal vascular stem tissues. The objective of this study was to isolate and confirm a causal agent of the disease. Five diseased blueberry plants (2-year-old), with visible brown discolouration in the wood, were collected for isolation on potato dextrose agar (PDA). Morphological analysis of the selected fungal isolates showed the presence of abundant black, round to oblong, or irregularly shaped microsclerotia immersed in the PDA. Dark, globose pycnidia formed on water agar with an initially hyaline, granular content and single-celled conidia, indicating the presence of plant pathogenic fungus Macrophomina phaseolina associated with symptomatic plant tissues. Pathogenicity was confirmed on potted blueberry plants based on the initial symptoms of leaves turning yellowish to brown at the leaf edges, followed by the defoliation of leaves of the inoculated stems. Discolouration of vascular tissues was also observed on transverse sections of inoculated stems. The pathogen M. phaseolina was confirmed using molecular analysis of the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region of rDNA and a part of the TEF-1 gene region. This is the first report of M. phaseolina causing a blight disease on highbush blueberry in Serbia. The study should help in elucidating disease symptomatology and provide information on the risk which this fungus could pose in blueberry production.
PB  - Abingdon : Taylor & Francis Ltd.
T2  - Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology
T1  - A blight disease on highbush blueberry associated with Macrophomina phaseolina in Serbia
EP  - 127
IS  - 1
SP  - 121
VL  - 40
DO  - 10.1080/07060661.2017.1415977
ER  - 
author = "Popović, Tatjana and Blagojević, Jovana and Aleksić, Goran and Jelušić, Aleksandra and Krnjajić, Slobodan and Milovanović, Predrag",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Unusual blight-like symptoms appeared on highbush blueberry plants in Serbia during August 2015 and infected plants showed browning and reddening of leaves, drying of foliage and brown discolouration of internal vascular stem tissues. The objective of this study was to isolate and confirm a causal agent of the disease. Five diseased blueberry plants (2-year-old), with visible brown discolouration in the wood, were collected for isolation on potato dextrose agar (PDA). Morphological analysis of the selected fungal isolates showed the presence of abundant black, round to oblong, or irregularly shaped microsclerotia immersed in the PDA. Dark, globose pycnidia formed on water agar with an initially hyaline, granular content and single-celled conidia, indicating the presence of plant pathogenic fungus Macrophomina phaseolina associated with symptomatic plant tissues. Pathogenicity was confirmed on potted blueberry plants based on the initial symptoms of leaves turning yellowish to brown at the leaf edges, followed by the defoliation of leaves of the inoculated stems. Discolouration of vascular tissues was also observed on transverse sections of inoculated stems. The pathogen M. phaseolina was confirmed using molecular analysis of the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region of rDNA and a part of the TEF-1 gene region. This is the first report of M. phaseolina causing a blight disease on highbush blueberry in Serbia. The study should help in elucidating disease symptomatology and provide information on the risk which this fungus could pose in blueberry production.",
publisher = "Abingdon : Taylor & Francis Ltd.",
journal = "Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology",
title = "A blight disease on highbush blueberry associated with Macrophomina phaseolina in Serbia",
pages = "127-121",
number = "1",
volume = "40",
doi = "10.1080/07060661.2017.1415977"
Popović, T., Blagojević, J., Aleksić, G., Jelušić, A., Krnjajić, S.,& Milovanović, P.. (2018). A blight disease on highbush blueberry associated with Macrophomina phaseolina in Serbia. in Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology
Abingdon : Taylor & Francis Ltd.., 40(1), 121-127.
Popović T, Blagojević J, Aleksić G, Jelušić A, Krnjajić S, Milovanović P. A blight disease on highbush blueberry associated with Macrophomina phaseolina in Serbia. in Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. 2018;40(1):121-127.
doi:10.1080/07060661.2017.1415977 .
Popović, Tatjana, Blagojević, Jovana, Aleksić, Goran, Jelušić, Aleksandra, Krnjajić, Slobodan, Milovanović, Predrag, "A blight disease on highbush blueberry associated with Macrophomina phaseolina in Serbia" in Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 40, no. 1 (2018):121-127, . .

First Report of Pectobacterium atrosepticum, Causing Bacterial Soft Rot on Calla Lily in Serbia

Popović, Tatjana; Jelušić, Aleksandra; Milovanović, Predrag; Janjatović, Sanja; Budnar, M.; Dimkić, Ivica; Stanković, Slaviša

(Amer Phytopathological Soc, St Paul, 2017)

AU  - Popović, Tatjana
AU  - Jelušić, Aleksandra
AU  - Milovanović, Predrag
AU  - Janjatović, Sanja
AU  - Budnar, M.
AU  - Dimkić, Ivica
AU  - Stanković, Slaviša
PY  - 2017
UR  -
PB  - Amer Phytopathological Soc, St Paul
T2  - Plant Disease
T1  - First Report of Pectobacterium atrosepticum, Causing Bacterial Soft Rot on Calla Lily in Serbia
EP  - 2146
IS  - 12
SP  - 2145
VL  - 101
DO  - 10.1094/PDIS-05-17-0708-PDN
ER  - 
author = "Popović, Tatjana and Jelušić, Aleksandra and Milovanović, Predrag and Janjatović, Sanja and Budnar, M. and Dimkić, Ivica and Stanković, Slaviša",
year = "2017",
publisher = "Amer Phytopathological Soc, St Paul",
journal = "Plant Disease",
title = "First Report of Pectobacterium atrosepticum, Causing Bacterial Soft Rot on Calla Lily in Serbia",
pages = "2146-2145",
number = "12",
volume = "101",
doi = "10.1094/PDIS-05-17-0708-PDN"
Popović, T., Jelušić, A., Milovanović, P., Janjatović, S., Budnar, M., Dimkić, I.,& Stanković, S.. (2017). First Report of Pectobacterium atrosepticum, Causing Bacterial Soft Rot on Calla Lily in Serbia. in Plant Disease
Amer Phytopathological Soc, St Paul., 101(12), 2145-2146.
Popović T, Jelušić A, Milovanović P, Janjatović S, Budnar M, Dimkić I, Stanković S. First Report of Pectobacterium atrosepticum, Causing Bacterial Soft Rot on Calla Lily in Serbia. in Plant Disease. 2017;101(12):2145-2146.
doi:10.1094/PDIS-05-17-0708-PDN .
Popović, Tatjana, Jelušić, Aleksandra, Milovanović, Predrag, Janjatović, Sanja, Budnar, M., Dimkić, Ivica, Stanković, Slaviša, "First Report of Pectobacterium atrosepticum, Causing Bacterial Soft Rot on Calla Lily in Serbia" in Plant Disease, 101, no. 12 (2017):2145-2146, . .

First Report of Pectobacterium atrosepticum, Causing Bacterial Soft Rot on Calla Lily in Serbia

Popović Milovanović, Tatjana; Jelušić, Aleksandra; Milovanović, Predrag; Janjatović, S.; Budnar, M.; Dimkić, Ivica; Stanković, Slaviša

(American Phytopathological Society, 2017)


Popović Milovanović, T., Jelušić, A., Milovanović, P., Janjatović, S., Budnar, M., Dimkić, I.,& Stanković, S.. (2017). First Report of Pectobacterium atrosepticum, Causing Bacterial Soft Rot on Calla Lily in Serbia. in Plant Disease
American Phytopathological Society., 101(12), 2145-2146.
Popović Milovanović T, Jelušić A, Milovanović P, Janjatović S, Budnar M, Dimkić I, Stanković S. First Report of Pectobacterium atrosepticum, Causing Bacterial Soft Rot on Calla Lily in Serbia. in Plant Disease. 2017;101(12):2145-2146.
doi:10.1094/PDIS-05-17-0708-PDN .
Popović Milovanović, Tatjana, Jelušić, Aleksandra, Milovanović, Predrag, Janjatović, S., Budnar, M., Dimkić, Ivica, Stanković, Slaviša, "First Report of Pectobacterium atrosepticum, Causing Bacterial Soft Rot on Calla Lily in Serbia" in Plant Disease, 101, no. 12 (2017):2145-2146, . .

Chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant for Ralstonia solanacearum control in water, storage and equipment

Popović, Tatjana; Ivanović, Žarko; Janjatović, Sanja; Ignjatov, Maja; Milovanović, Predrag

(Institute of field and vegetable crops, Novi Sad, 2016)

AU  - Popović, Tatjana
AU  - Ivanović, Žarko
AU  - Janjatović, Sanja
AU  - Ignjatov, Maja
AU  - Milovanović, Predrag
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Brown rot or bacterial wilt caused by bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum is the main limiting factor in potato production. Quarantine measures are necessary to avoid spread of disease to disease-free areas. R. solanacearum has been shown to contaminate watercourses from which crop irrigation is then prohibited causing further potential losses in yield and quality. The bacteria also spread via surfaces that diseased seed potatoes come into contact with. This study showed bactericidal activity of chlorine dioxide (CIO2) on R. solanacearum for disinfection of water, surface and equipment. The results showed that CIO2 solution at concentration of 2 ppm at 30 minutes of exposure time had bactericidal effect for disinfection of water. For surface and equipment disinfection, concentration of 50 ppm showed total efficacy at 30 min and 5 sec exposure time, respectively. Results suggest that use of CIO2 as a disinfectant has a potential for control of brown rot pathogen in water, storage and equipment.
AB  - Mrka trulež ili bakteriozna uvelost krompira prozrokovana bakterijom Ralstonia solanacearum ograničavajući je faktor uspešne proizvodnje krompira. Sprovođenje karantinskih mera zaštite je neophodno kako bi se izbeglo širenje bakterije u regione u kojima bolest nije prisutna. S obzirom da R. solanacearum može kontaminirati vodene tokove i izvore koji služe za navodnjavanje useva, zabrana korišćenja dovodi do dodatnih potencijalnih gubitaka u prinosu i kvalitetu krompira. Bakterija takođe kontaminira površine sa kojima zaraženi semenski krompir dolazi u dodir. U ovom radu prikazana je baktericidna aktivnost hlor-dioksida (CIO2) na bakteriju R. solanacearum u cilju dezinfekcije vode, površine i opreme. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da CIO2 ispoljava baktericidni efekat za dezinfekciju vode u koncentraciji od 2 ppm nakon 30 minuta ekspozicije, za dezinfekciju površine u koncentraciji 50 ppm nakon 30 minuta ekspozicije i za dezinfekciju opreme u koncentraciji 50 ppm nakon 5 sekundi ekspozicije. Rezultati dobijeni u ovom radu ukazuju da CIO2 poseduje potencijal kao dezinficijens za kontrolu prouzrokovača mrke truleži krompira u vodi, skladištu i opremi.
PB  - Institute of field and vegetable crops, Novi Sad
T2  - Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
T1  - Chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant for Ralstonia solanacearum control in water, storage and equipment
T1  - Hlor-dioksid kao dezinficijens za kontrolu Ralstonia solanacearum u vodi, skladištu i opremi
EP  - 84
IS  - 2
SP  - 81
VL  - 53
DO  - 10.5937/ratpov53-9982
ER  - 
author = "Popović, Tatjana and Ivanović, Žarko and Janjatović, Sanja and Ignjatov, Maja and Milovanović, Predrag",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Brown rot or bacterial wilt caused by bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum is the main limiting factor in potato production. Quarantine measures are necessary to avoid spread of disease to disease-free areas. R. solanacearum has been shown to contaminate watercourses from which crop irrigation is then prohibited causing further potential losses in yield and quality. The bacteria also spread via surfaces that diseased seed potatoes come into contact with. This study showed bactericidal activity of chlorine dioxide (CIO2) on R. solanacearum for disinfection of water, surface and equipment. The results showed that CIO2 solution at concentration of 2 ppm at 30 minutes of exposure time had bactericidal effect for disinfection of water. For surface and equipment disinfection, concentration of 50 ppm showed total efficacy at 30 min and 5 sec exposure time, respectively. Results suggest that use of CIO2 as a disinfectant has a potential for control of brown rot pathogen in water, storage and equipment., Mrka trulež ili bakteriozna uvelost krompira prozrokovana bakterijom Ralstonia solanacearum ograničavajući je faktor uspešne proizvodnje krompira. Sprovođenje karantinskih mera zaštite je neophodno kako bi se izbeglo širenje bakterije u regione u kojima bolest nije prisutna. S obzirom da R. solanacearum može kontaminirati vodene tokove i izvore koji služe za navodnjavanje useva, zabrana korišćenja dovodi do dodatnih potencijalnih gubitaka u prinosu i kvalitetu krompira. Bakterija takođe kontaminira površine sa kojima zaraženi semenski krompir dolazi u dodir. U ovom radu prikazana je baktericidna aktivnost hlor-dioksida (CIO2) na bakteriju R. solanacearum u cilju dezinfekcije vode, površine i opreme. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da CIO2 ispoljava baktericidni efekat za dezinfekciju vode u koncentraciji od 2 ppm nakon 30 minuta ekspozicije, za dezinfekciju površine u koncentraciji 50 ppm nakon 30 minuta ekspozicije i za dezinfekciju opreme u koncentraciji 50 ppm nakon 5 sekundi ekspozicije. Rezultati dobijeni u ovom radu ukazuju da CIO2 poseduje potencijal kao dezinficijens za kontrolu prouzrokovača mrke truleži krompira u vodi, skladištu i opremi.",
publisher = "Institute of field and vegetable crops, Novi Sad",
journal = "Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo",
title = "Chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant for Ralstonia solanacearum control in water, storage and equipment, Hlor-dioksid kao dezinficijens za kontrolu Ralstonia solanacearum u vodi, skladištu i opremi",
pages = "84-81",
number = "2",
volume = "53",
doi = "10.5937/ratpov53-9982"
Popović, T., Ivanović, Ž., Janjatović, S., Ignjatov, M.,& Milovanović, P.. (2016). Chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant for Ralstonia solanacearum control in water, storage and equipment. in Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
Institute of field and vegetable crops, Novi Sad., 53(2), 81-84.
Popović T, Ivanović Ž, Janjatović S, Ignjatov M, Milovanović P. Chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant for Ralstonia solanacearum control in water, storage and equipment. in Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo. 2016;53(2):81-84.
doi:10.5937/ratpov53-9982 .
Popović, Tatjana, Ivanović, Žarko, Janjatović, Sanja, Ignjatov, Maja, Milovanović, Predrag, "Chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant for Ralstonia solanacearum control in water, storage and equipment" in Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 53, no. 2 (2016):81-84, . .

Copper-Citrate as a Possibility for Control of Some Phytopathogenic Bacteria

Popović Milovanović, Tatjana; Milićević, Zoran; Milovanović, Predrag; Dolovac, Nenad; Ivanović, Žarko

(Dr. Amitava Rakshit, Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Institute of Agricultural Sciences Banaras Hindu University, India, 2014)

AU  - Popović Milovanović, Tatjana
AU  - Milićević, Zoran
AU  - Milovanović, Predrag
AU  - Dolovac, Nenad
AU  - Ivanović, Žarko
PY  - 2014
UR  -
UR  -
PB  - Dr. Amitava Rakshit, Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Institute of Agricultural Sciences Banaras Hindu University, India
T2  - Technological Advancement for Vibrant Agriculture
T1  - Copper-Citrate as a Possibility for Control of Some Phytopathogenic Bacteria
EP  - 206
SP  - 201
ER  - 
author = "Popović Milovanović, Tatjana and Milićević, Zoran and Milovanović, Predrag and Dolovac, Nenad and Ivanović, Žarko",
year = "2014",
publisher = "Dr. Amitava Rakshit, Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Institute of Agricultural Sciences Banaras Hindu University, India",
journal = "Technological Advancement for Vibrant Agriculture",
booktitle = "Copper-Citrate as a Possibility for Control of Some Phytopathogenic Bacteria",
pages = "206-201"
Popović Milovanović, T., Milićević, Z., Milovanović, P., Dolovac, N.,& Ivanović, Ž.. (2014). Copper-Citrate as a Possibility for Control of Some Phytopathogenic Bacteria. in Technological Advancement for Vibrant Agriculture
Dr. Amitava Rakshit, Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Institute of Agricultural Sciences Banaras Hindu University, India., 201-206.
Popović Milovanović T, Milićević Z, Milovanović P, Dolovac N, Ivanović Ž. Copper-Citrate as a Possibility for Control of Some Phytopathogenic Bacteria. in Technological Advancement for Vibrant Agriculture. 2014;:201-206..
Popović Milovanović, Tatjana, Milićević, Zoran, Milovanović, Predrag, Dolovac, Nenad, Ivanović, Žarko, "Copper-Citrate as a Possibility for Control of Some Phytopathogenic Bacteria" in Technological Advancement for Vibrant Agriculture (2014):201-206.

Efficacy of different insecticides in controlling pollen beetle (Meligetes aeneus F.) in rapeseed crop

Milovanović, Predrag; Kljajić, Petar; Andrić, Goran; Pražić-Golić, Marijana; Popović, Tatjana

(Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection, 2013)

AU  - Milovanović, Predrag
AU  - Kljajić, Petar
AU  - Andrić, Goran
AU  - Pražić-Golić, Marijana
AU  - Popović, Tatjana
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - Since pollen beetle, M. aeneus, is usually controlled by insecticides, the efficacy of several compounds with different modes of action against adult beetles was studied in a threeyear field study. The selected insecticides were: three pyrethroids (lambda-cyhalothrin, alpha-cypermethrin and bifenthrin), an oganophosphate (pirimiphos-methyl), a combination of an organophosphate and a pyrethroid (chlorpyrifos + cypermethrin) and a neonicotinoid (thiacloprid). The insecticides were applied at label rates to winter rapeseed crops at the moment of visible but still closed flower buds (BBCH 55-57). In all experiments, the efficacy of pyrethroids and the organophosphate ranged from 90-100%, while the efficacy of the neonicotinoid was 85-95%. Therefore, they can be recommended for control of pollen beetle in Serbia.
AB  - S obzirom da gajenje uljane repice za sobom povlači i primenu insekticida za suzbijanje repičinog sjajnika kao najštetnije insekatske vrste, u radu je tokom trogodišnjih poljskih ogleda (2008-2010. godina) na tri lokaliteta (Kovin, Smederevo i Požarevac) ispitana efikasnost insekticida različitih mehanizama delovanja: piretroida (lambda-cihalotrin, alfa-cipermetrin, bifentrin), organofosfata (pirimifos-metil), kombinacije organofosfata i piretroida (hlorpirifos + cipermetrin) i neonikotinoida (tiakloprid) za imaga M. aeneus. Komercijalne formulacije insekticida su primenjivane u preporučenim dozama u usevima ozime uljane repice u vreme vidljivih cvetnih pupoljaka, ali još zatvorenih (BBCH 55-57). Efikasnost piretroida i organofosfata je tokom svih ogleda bila 90-100%, a neonikotinoida 85-95%, pa se zbog ispoljene visoke efikasnosti može preporučiti njihova primena u Srbiji.
PB  - Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection
T2  - Pesticidi i fitomedicina
T1  - Efficacy of different insecticides in controlling pollen beetle (Meligetes aeneus F.) in rapeseed crop
T1  - Efikasnost različitih insekticida u poljskim uslovima u suzbijanju repičinog sjajnika (Meligethes aeneus F.) u usevima ozime uljane repice
EP  - 263
IS  - 4
SP  - 255
VL  - 28
DO  - 10.2298/PIF1304255M
ER  - 
author = "Milovanović, Predrag and Kljajić, Petar and Andrić, Goran and Pražić-Golić, Marijana and Popović, Tatjana",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Since pollen beetle, M. aeneus, is usually controlled by insecticides, the efficacy of several compounds with different modes of action against adult beetles was studied in a threeyear field study. The selected insecticides were: three pyrethroids (lambda-cyhalothrin, alpha-cypermethrin and bifenthrin), an oganophosphate (pirimiphos-methyl), a combination of an organophosphate and a pyrethroid (chlorpyrifos + cypermethrin) and a neonicotinoid (thiacloprid). The insecticides were applied at label rates to winter rapeseed crops at the moment of visible but still closed flower buds (BBCH 55-57). In all experiments, the efficacy of pyrethroids and the organophosphate ranged from 90-100%, while the efficacy of the neonicotinoid was 85-95%. Therefore, they can be recommended for control of pollen beetle in Serbia., S obzirom da gajenje uljane repice za sobom povlači i primenu insekticida za suzbijanje repičinog sjajnika kao najštetnije insekatske vrste, u radu je tokom trogodišnjih poljskih ogleda (2008-2010. godina) na tri lokaliteta (Kovin, Smederevo i Požarevac) ispitana efikasnost insekticida različitih mehanizama delovanja: piretroida (lambda-cihalotrin, alfa-cipermetrin, bifentrin), organofosfata (pirimifos-metil), kombinacije organofosfata i piretroida (hlorpirifos + cipermetrin) i neonikotinoida (tiakloprid) za imaga M. aeneus. Komercijalne formulacije insekticida su primenjivane u preporučenim dozama u usevima ozime uljane repice u vreme vidljivih cvetnih pupoljaka, ali još zatvorenih (BBCH 55-57). Efikasnost piretroida i organofosfata je tokom svih ogleda bila 90-100%, a neonikotinoida 85-95%, pa se zbog ispoljene visoke efikasnosti može preporučiti njihova primena u Srbiji.",
publisher = "Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection",
journal = "Pesticidi i fitomedicina",
title = "Efficacy of different insecticides in controlling pollen beetle (Meligetes aeneus F.) in rapeseed crop, Efikasnost različitih insekticida u poljskim uslovima u suzbijanju repičinog sjajnika (Meligethes aeneus F.) u usevima ozime uljane repice",
pages = "263-255",
number = "4",
volume = "28",
doi = "10.2298/PIF1304255M"
Milovanović, P., Kljajić, P., Andrić, G., Pražić-Golić, M.,& Popović, T.. (2013). Efficacy of different insecticides in controlling pollen beetle (Meligetes aeneus F.) in rapeseed crop. in Pesticidi i fitomedicina
Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection., 28(4), 255-263.
Milovanović P, Kljajić P, Andrić G, Pražić-Golić M, Popović T. Efficacy of different insecticides in controlling pollen beetle (Meligetes aeneus F.) in rapeseed crop. in Pesticidi i fitomedicina. 2013;28(4):255-263.
doi:10.2298/PIF1304255M .
Milovanović, Predrag, Kljajić, Petar, Andrić, Goran, Pražić-Golić, Marijana, Popović, Tatjana, "Efficacy of different insecticides in controlling pollen beetle (Meligetes aeneus F.) in rapeseed crop" in Pesticidi i fitomedicina, 28, no. 4 (2013):255-263, . .

Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Xanthomonas campestris strains isolated from cabbage, kale and broccoli

Popović, Tatjana; Jošić, Dragana; Starović, Mira; Milovanović, Predrag; Dolovac, Nenad; Poštić, Dobrivoj; Stanković, Slaviša

(University of Belgrade, University of Novi Sad, 2013)

AU  - Popović, Tatjana
AU  - Jošić, Dragana
AU  - Starović, Mira
AU  - Milovanović, Predrag
AU  - Dolovac, Nenad
AU  - Poštić, Dobrivoj
AU  - Stanković, Slaviša
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - Thirty-six strains of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc) isolated from cabbage, kale and broccoli were identified according to their pathogenicity, phenotypic and genotypic characterization. Pathogenicity was confirmed by the injection method with a hypodermic syringe into the mesophilic tissue of cabbage leaves. All strains were Gramnegative, aerobic, catalase-positive, oxidase-negative, grew at 35°C, produced levan, H2S and indole, did not reduce nitrate, hydrolyzed Tween 80, starch, gelatin and esculin and did not show tolerance to 0.1 and 0.02% TTC. The strains produced acid from d-arabinose, arginine, dulcitol, galactose, d-glucose, maltose, mannose, sorbitol, sucrose and xylose. The genetic characterization was based on the sequence analyses of 16S rDNA and ERIC and BOX PCR. Strains of different pathovars were also used to compare PCR resulting patterns. BOX-PCR of the strains from kale and broccoli, obtained using (GTG)5 primer, yielded patterns with a high similarity level to pathovar reference strain Xcc. The strains from cabbage yielded BOX and ERIC product patterns, distinguishing them from the other tested strains and reference strains. 16S rDNA of the representative strains was closely related to Xcc strain ATCC 33913. ERIC PCR and BOX using (GTG)5 primer generated different Xcc patterns and were effective in distinguishing strains from different plant hosts.
PB  - University of Belgrade, University of Novi Sad
T2  - Archives of Biological Sciences
T1  - Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Xanthomonas campestris strains isolated from cabbage, kale and broccoli
EP  - 593
IS  - 2
SP  - 585
VL  - 65
DO  - 10.2298/ABS1302585P
ER  - 
author = "Popović, Tatjana and Jošić, Dragana and Starović, Mira and Milovanović, Predrag and Dolovac, Nenad and Poštić, Dobrivoj and Stanković, Slaviša",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Thirty-six strains of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc) isolated from cabbage, kale and broccoli were identified according to their pathogenicity, phenotypic and genotypic characterization. Pathogenicity was confirmed by the injection method with a hypodermic syringe into the mesophilic tissue of cabbage leaves. All strains were Gramnegative, aerobic, catalase-positive, oxidase-negative, grew at 35°C, produced levan, H2S and indole, did not reduce nitrate, hydrolyzed Tween 80, starch, gelatin and esculin and did not show tolerance to 0.1 and 0.02% TTC. The strains produced acid from d-arabinose, arginine, dulcitol, galactose, d-glucose, maltose, mannose, sorbitol, sucrose and xylose. The genetic characterization was based on the sequence analyses of 16S rDNA and ERIC and BOX PCR. Strains of different pathovars were also used to compare PCR resulting patterns. BOX-PCR of the strains from kale and broccoli, obtained using (GTG)5 primer, yielded patterns with a high similarity level to pathovar reference strain Xcc. The strains from cabbage yielded BOX and ERIC product patterns, distinguishing them from the other tested strains and reference strains. 16S rDNA of the representative strains was closely related to Xcc strain ATCC 33913. ERIC PCR and BOX using (GTG)5 primer generated different Xcc patterns and were effective in distinguishing strains from different plant hosts.",
publisher = "University of Belgrade, University of Novi Sad",
journal = "Archives of Biological Sciences",
title = "Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Xanthomonas campestris strains isolated from cabbage, kale and broccoli",
pages = "593-585",
number = "2",
volume = "65",
doi = "10.2298/ABS1302585P"
Popović, T., Jošić, D., Starović, M., Milovanović, P., Dolovac, N., Poštić, D.,& Stanković, S.. (2013). Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Xanthomonas campestris strains isolated from cabbage, kale and broccoli. in Archives of Biological Sciences
University of Belgrade, University of Novi Sad., 65(2), 585-593.
Popović T, Jošić D, Starović M, Milovanović P, Dolovac N, Poštić D, Stanković S. Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Xanthomonas campestris strains isolated from cabbage, kale and broccoli. in Archives of Biological Sciences. 2013;65(2):585-593.
doi:10.2298/ABS1302585P .
Popović, Tatjana, Jošić, Dragana, Starović, Mira, Milovanović, Predrag, Dolovac, Nenad, Poštić, Dobrivoj, Stanković, Slaviša, "Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Xanthomonas campestris strains isolated from cabbage, kale and broccoli" in Archives of Biological Sciences, 65, no. 2 (2013):585-593, . .

Response of different beans against common bacterial blight disease caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis PV. phaseoli

Popović, Tatjana; Starović, Mira; Aleksić, Goran; Živković, Svetlana; Jošić, Dragana; Ignjatov, Maja; Milovanović, Predrag

(Scientific Issues Natl Centre Agrarian Sciences, Sofia, 2012)

AU  - Popović, Tatjana
AU  - Starović, Mira
AU  - Aleksić, Goran
AU  - Živković, Svetlana
AU  - Jošić, Dragana
AU  - Ignjatov, Maja
AU  - Milovanović, Predrag
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - Common bacterial blight (CBB) in beans, caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli (Xap), is an economically important disease worldwide which reduces crop yields and seed quality. Since there is no satisfactory chemical control for the disease, the use of resistant cultivars is an important management strategy. Sources of immunity are not yet recognized, but tolerance has been reported in several genetic stocks. The main objective of this study was to determine resistance to CBB on twenty-two local and foreign beans grown in Serbia. Two inoculation methods with Xap (spraying and multiple needles) as well as naturally infected plants in field conditions were taken for evaluation. The experiments were conducted in randomized complete blocks with three replications. Reaction to Xap was assessed as a diseased leaf area and the disease severity index was calculated. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) for disease ratings of leaf reactions indicated significant interactions between cultivars and lines. Results indicate that none of evaluated beans was immune and was found to be resistant to CBB. HR 45, Oreol and XAN 159, -208, -273 were weakly susceptible; Biser, Dobrudzanski rani, KB 100, -101, Medijana, Naya Nayahit, Panonski gradistanac, Panonski tetovac, and Sremac were susceptible while Balkan, Belko, Dobrudzanski rani 7, Dvadesetica, Galeb, Maksa, Slavonski zutozeleni, and Zlatko were highly susceptible cultivars and lines. The five weakly susceptible can be identified and recommend as possible sources of tolerance in plant breeding program.
PB  - Scientific Issues Natl Centre Agrarian Sciences, Sofia
T2  - Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
T1  - Response of different beans against common bacterial blight disease caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis PV. phaseoli
EP  - 707
IS  - 5
SP  - 701
VL  - 18
ER  - 
author = "Popović, Tatjana and Starović, Mira and Aleksić, Goran and Živković, Svetlana and Jošić, Dragana and Ignjatov, Maja and Milovanović, Predrag",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Common bacterial blight (CBB) in beans, caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli (Xap), is an economically important disease worldwide which reduces crop yields and seed quality. Since there is no satisfactory chemical control for the disease, the use of resistant cultivars is an important management strategy. Sources of immunity are not yet recognized, but tolerance has been reported in several genetic stocks. The main objective of this study was to determine resistance to CBB on twenty-two local and foreign beans grown in Serbia. Two inoculation methods with Xap (spraying and multiple needles) as well as naturally infected plants in field conditions were taken for evaluation. The experiments were conducted in randomized complete blocks with three replications. Reaction to Xap was assessed as a diseased leaf area and the disease severity index was calculated. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) for disease ratings of leaf reactions indicated significant interactions between cultivars and lines. Results indicate that none of evaluated beans was immune and was found to be resistant to CBB. HR 45, Oreol and XAN 159, -208, -273 were weakly susceptible; Biser, Dobrudzanski rani, KB 100, -101, Medijana, Naya Nayahit, Panonski gradistanac, Panonski tetovac, and Sremac were susceptible while Balkan, Belko, Dobrudzanski rani 7, Dvadesetica, Galeb, Maksa, Slavonski zutozeleni, and Zlatko were highly susceptible cultivars and lines. The five weakly susceptible can be identified and recommend as possible sources of tolerance in plant breeding program.",
publisher = "Scientific Issues Natl Centre Agrarian Sciences, Sofia",
journal = "Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science",
title = "Response of different beans against common bacterial blight disease caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis PV. phaseoli",
pages = "707-701",
number = "5",
volume = "18"
Popović, T., Starović, M., Aleksić, G., Živković, S., Jošić, D., Ignjatov, M.,& Milovanović, P.. (2012). Response of different beans against common bacterial blight disease caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis PV. phaseoli. in Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
Scientific Issues Natl Centre Agrarian Sciences, Sofia., 18(5), 701-707.
Popović T, Starović M, Aleksić G, Živković S, Jošić D, Ignjatov M, Milovanović P. Response of different beans against common bacterial blight disease caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis PV. phaseoli. in Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science. 2012;18(5):701-707..
Popović, Tatjana, Starović, Mira, Aleksić, Goran, Živković, Svetlana, Jošić, Dragana, Ignjatov, Maja, Milovanović, Predrag, "Response of different beans against common bacterial blight disease caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis PV. phaseoli" in Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 18, no. 5 (2012):701-707.

Application of semi-selective mediums in routine diagnostic testing of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola on common bean seeds

Popović, Tatjana; Milovanović, Predrag; Aleksić, Goran; Gavrilović, Veljko; Starović, Mira; Vasić, Mirjana; Balaž, Jelica

(Universidade de São Paulo, 2012)

AU  - Popović, Tatjana
AU  - Milovanović, Predrag
AU  - Aleksić, Goran
AU  - Gavrilović, Veljko
AU  - Starović, Mira
AU  - Vasić, Mirjana
AU  - Balaž, Jelica
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - Halo blight, caused by Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola (Psp), is considered to be an important bacterial disease on common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Serbia. Use of pathogen-free seeds is one of the most effective control measures against this disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate a detection method for Psp on untreated common bean seeds (23 genotypes) from commercial crops grown within Serbia. Detection of this pathogen was made by plating onto the modified sucrose peptone (MSP) and Milk Tween (MT) semi-selective mediums from soaked whole common bean seed. Colonies growing on the MSP medium were light yellow, convex and shiny, whereas on the MT medium, they were creamy white, flat and circular. The pathogenicity of the obtained strains was confirmed by the inoculation of germinated bean seed. The isolates recovered from the seed assay were further confirmed to be Psp by using both Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Polymerase Chain Reaction (Nested-PCR) detection methodologies. The International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) method selected for this work was found to be effective in detecting the presence of Psp in common bean seed. The bacterium Psp was detected in only two of the 23 seed samples analyzed by this method, which shows that the bacterium is not widespread in Serbia.
PB  - Universidade de São Paulo
T2  - Scientia Agricola
T1  - Application of semi-selective mediums in routine diagnostic testing of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola on common bean seeds
EP  - 270
IS  - 4
SP  - 265
VL  - 69
DO  - 10.1590/S0103-90162012000400005
ER  - 
author = "Popović, Tatjana and Milovanović, Predrag and Aleksić, Goran and Gavrilović, Veljko and Starović, Mira and Vasić, Mirjana and Balaž, Jelica",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Halo blight, caused by Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola (Psp), is considered to be an important bacterial disease on common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Serbia. Use of pathogen-free seeds is one of the most effective control measures against this disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate a detection method for Psp on untreated common bean seeds (23 genotypes) from commercial crops grown within Serbia. Detection of this pathogen was made by plating onto the modified sucrose peptone (MSP) and Milk Tween (MT) semi-selective mediums from soaked whole common bean seed. Colonies growing on the MSP medium were light yellow, convex and shiny, whereas on the MT medium, they were creamy white, flat and circular. The pathogenicity of the obtained strains was confirmed by the inoculation of germinated bean seed. The isolates recovered from the seed assay were further confirmed to be Psp by using both Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Polymerase Chain Reaction (Nested-PCR) detection methodologies. The International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) method selected for this work was found to be effective in detecting the presence of Psp in common bean seed. The bacterium Psp was detected in only two of the 23 seed samples analyzed by this method, which shows that the bacterium is not widespread in Serbia.",
publisher = "Universidade de São Paulo",
journal = "Scientia Agricola",
title = "Application of semi-selective mediums in routine diagnostic testing of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola on common bean seeds",
pages = "270-265",
number = "4",
volume = "69",
doi = "10.1590/S0103-90162012000400005"
Popović, T., Milovanović, P., Aleksić, G., Gavrilović, V., Starović, M., Vasić, M.,& Balaž, J.. (2012). Application of semi-selective mediums in routine diagnostic testing of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola on common bean seeds. in Scientia Agricola
Universidade de São Paulo., 69(4), 265-270.
Popović T, Milovanović P, Aleksić G, Gavrilović V, Starović M, Vasić M, Balaž J. Application of semi-selective mediums in routine diagnostic testing of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola on common bean seeds. in Scientia Agricola. 2012;69(4):265-270.
doi:10.1590/S0103-90162012000400005 .
Popović, Tatjana, Milovanović, Predrag, Aleksić, Goran, Gavrilović, Veljko, Starović, Mira, Vasić, Mirjana, Balaž, Jelica, "Application of semi-selective mediums in routine diagnostic testing of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola on common bean seeds" in Scientia Agricola, 69, no. 4 (2012):265-270, . .

Race identification of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola on domestic bean cultivars

Popović, Tatjana; Živković, Svetlana; Dolovac, Nenad; Milovanović, Predrag

(Institute for Plant Protection and Environment, Belgrade, 2011)

AU  - Popović, Tatjana
AU  - Živković, Svetlana
AU  - Dolovac, Nenad
AU  - Milovanović, Predrag
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - Halo blight caused by the phytopathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola is economically important disease of bean in our area. In the present study, the pathogen was isolated from the leaves of the diseased bean plants, with the leaf samples having been collected from cultivars Oplenac, Slavonski žutozeleni and Zlatko using a nutrient agar (NA) and the medium enriched with 5% sucrose (NSA). Pathogenicity of the obtained isolates was proved by inoculation of young bean pods and by hypersensitive reaction (HR) on tobacco and geranium leaves. Biochemical and physiological characteristics were tested by conventional phytobacteriological methods. The race identity of the isolates was determined using a differential set of Phaseolus spp.: Canadian Wonder, ZAA54 (A52), Tendergreen, Red Mexican U13, 1072 P. acutifolius, ZAA55 (A53), ZAA12 (A43) i Guatemala 196-B). Inoculation was performed with atomizer, by spraying of bacterial suspension onto the undersurface of primary leaves. Obtained results indicated that strains showed the most similarity to race 1 of this bacterium.
AB  - Oreolna plamenjača pasulja čiji je prouzrokovač fitopatogena bakterija Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola ekonomski je štetno oboljenje ove gajene kulture kod nas. U ovom radu vršena je izolacija patogena iz obolelog lišća pasulja sorti Oplenac, Slavonski žutozeleni i Zlatko na hranljivi agar (NA) i podlogu obogaćenu saharozom (NSA). Patogenost izolata je dokazana infiltracijom bakterijske suspenzije u mlade mahune boranije i pozitivnom hipersenzitivnom reakcijom (HR) na listu duvana i muškatle. Biohemijsko-fiziološke odlike ispitane su standardnim bakteriološkim metodama. Pripadnost dobijenih izolata fiziološkim rasama određena je korišćenjem diferencijalnog sortimenta Phaseolus spp.: Canadian Wonder, ZAA54 (A52), Tendergreen, Red Mexican U13, 1072 P. acutifolius, ZAA55 (A53), ZAA12 (A43) i Guatemala 196-B. Inokulacija je vršena atomizerom, prskanjem naličja primarnog lišća bakterijskom suspenzijom. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na najveću sličnost izolata sa rasom 1 ove bakterije.
PB  - Institute for Plant Protection and Environment, Belgrade
T2  - Zaštita bilja
T1  - Race identification of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola on domestic bean cultivars
T1  - Identifikacija rasa Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola na domaćim sortama pasulja
EP  - 218
IS  - 4
SP  - 209
VL  - 62
ER  - 
author = "Popović, Tatjana and Živković, Svetlana and Dolovac, Nenad and Milovanović, Predrag",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Halo blight caused by the phytopathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola is economically important disease of bean in our area. In the present study, the pathogen was isolated from the leaves of the diseased bean plants, with the leaf samples having been collected from cultivars Oplenac, Slavonski žutozeleni and Zlatko using a nutrient agar (NA) and the medium enriched with 5% sucrose (NSA). Pathogenicity of the obtained isolates was proved by inoculation of young bean pods and by hypersensitive reaction (HR) on tobacco and geranium leaves. Biochemical and physiological characteristics were tested by conventional phytobacteriological methods. The race identity of the isolates was determined using a differential set of Phaseolus spp.: Canadian Wonder, ZAA54 (A52), Tendergreen, Red Mexican U13, 1072 P. acutifolius, ZAA55 (A53), ZAA12 (A43) i Guatemala 196-B). Inoculation was performed with atomizer, by spraying of bacterial suspension onto the undersurface of primary leaves. Obtained results indicated that strains showed the most similarity to race 1 of this bacterium., Oreolna plamenjača pasulja čiji je prouzrokovač fitopatogena bakterija Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola ekonomski je štetno oboljenje ove gajene kulture kod nas. U ovom radu vršena je izolacija patogena iz obolelog lišća pasulja sorti Oplenac, Slavonski žutozeleni i Zlatko na hranljivi agar (NA) i podlogu obogaćenu saharozom (NSA). Patogenost izolata je dokazana infiltracijom bakterijske suspenzije u mlade mahune boranije i pozitivnom hipersenzitivnom reakcijom (HR) na listu duvana i muškatle. Biohemijsko-fiziološke odlike ispitane su standardnim bakteriološkim metodama. Pripadnost dobijenih izolata fiziološkim rasama određena je korišćenjem diferencijalnog sortimenta Phaseolus spp.: Canadian Wonder, ZAA54 (A52), Tendergreen, Red Mexican U13, 1072 P. acutifolius, ZAA55 (A53), ZAA12 (A43) i Guatemala 196-B. Inokulacija je vršena atomizerom, prskanjem naličja primarnog lišća bakterijskom suspenzijom. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na najveću sličnost izolata sa rasom 1 ove bakterije.",
publisher = "Institute for Plant Protection and Environment, Belgrade",
journal = "Zaštita bilja",
title = "Race identification of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola on domestic bean cultivars, Identifikacija rasa Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola na domaćim sortama pasulja",
pages = "218-209",
number = "4",
volume = "62"
Popović, T., Živković, S., Dolovac, N.,& Milovanović, P.. (2011). Race identification of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola on domestic bean cultivars. in Zaštita bilja
Institute for Plant Protection and Environment, Belgrade., 62(4), 209-218.
Popović T, Živković S, Dolovac N, Milovanović P. Race identification of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola on domestic bean cultivars. in Zaštita bilja. 2011;62(4):209-218..
Popović, Tatjana, Živković, Svetlana, Dolovac, Nenad, Milovanović, Predrag, "Race identification of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola on domestic bean cultivars" in Zaštita bilja, 62, no. 4 (2011):209-218.

Fungi diseases of apricot

Aleksić, Goran; Popović, Tatjana; Milovanović, Predrag; Starović, Mira; Trkulja, Nenad; Savić, Dušan

(Poljoprivredni fakultet - Departman za zaštitu bilja i životne sredine "dr Pavla Vukasovića", Novi Sad, 2010)

AU  - Aleksić, Goran
AU  - Popović, Tatjana
AU  - Milovanović, Predrag
AU  - Starović, Mira
AU  - Trkulja, Nenad
AU  - Savić, Dušan
PY  - 2010
UR  -
AB  - This paper describes the most common diseases of apricot. Greatest economic importance of this fruit is a apoplexy, which is al ways current illness. Since the complex nature of this disease, the paper describes the phytopathogenic fungus that contribute to this phenomenon. These are: Monilinia laxa, M. fructigena, Cytospora cincta, Verticillium albo-atrum, V. dahliae and Eutypa lata. The paper mentioned and other phytopathogenic fungi that cause disease in apricot (Stigmina carpophila, Taphrina cerasi and Podosphaera tridactyla).
AB  - U radu su opisana najčešća oboljenja kajsije. Najveći ekonomski značaj za ovu voćnu vrstu predstavlja apopleksija, koja je posledica zajedničkog štetnog delovanja većeg broja fitopatogenih mikroorganizama. S obzirom da je ova bolest kompleksne prirode, u radu su opisane fitopatogene gljive koje doprinose ovoj pojavi. To su: Monilinia laxa, M. fructigena, Cytospora cincta, Verti cilli um albo-atrum, V. dahliae i Eutypa lata. U radu su pomenute i druge fitopatogene gljive koje prouzrokuju oboljenja na kajsiji (Stigmina carpophila, Taphrina cerasi i Podosphaera tridactyla).
PB  - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Departman za zaštitu bilja i životne sredine "dr Pavla Vukasovića", Novi Sad
T2  - Biljni lekar
T1  - Fungi diseases of apricot
T1  - Mikoze kajsije
EP  - 316
IS  - 4-5
SP  - 310
VL  - 38
ER  - 
author = "Aleksić, Goran and Popović, Tatjana and Milovanović, Predrag and Starović, Mira and Trkulja, Nenad and Savić, Dušan",
year = "2010",
abstract = "This paper describes the most common diseases of apricot. Greatest economic importance of this fruit is a apoplexy, which is al ways current illness. Since the complex nature of this disease, the paper describes the phytopathogenic fungus that contribute to this phenomenon. These are: Monilinia laxa, M. fructigena, Cytospora cincta, Verticillium albo-atrum, V. dahliae and Eutypa lata. The paper mentioned and other phytopathogenic fungi that cause disease in apricot (Stigmina carpophila, Taphrina cerasi and Podosphaera tridactyla)., U radu su opisana najčešća oboljenja kajsije. Najveći ekonomski značaj za ovu voćnu vrstu predstavlja apopleksija, koja je posledica zajedničkog štetnog delovanja većeg broja fitopatogenih mikroorganizama. S obzirom da je ova bolest kompleksne prirode, u radu su opisane fitopatogene gljive koje doprinose ovoj pojavi. To su: Monilinia laxa, M. fructigena, Cytospora cincta, Verti cilli um albo-atrum, V. dahliae i Eutypa lata. U radu su pomenute i druge fitopatogene gljive koje prouzrokuju oboljenja na kajsiji (Stigmina carpophila, Taphrina cerasi i Podosphaera tridactyla).",
publisher = "Poljoprivredni fakultet - Departman za zaštitu bilja i životne sredine "dr Pavla Vukasovića", Novi Sad",
journal = "Biljni lekar",
title = "Fungi diseases of apricot, Mikoze kajsije",
pages = "316-310",
number = "4-5",
volume = "38"
Aleksić, G., Popović, T., Milovanović, P., Starović, M., Trkulja, N.,& Savić, D.. (2010). Fungi diseases of apricot. in Biljni lekar
Poljoprivredni fakultet - Departman za zaštitu bilja i životne sredine "dr Pavla Vukasovića", Novi Sad., 38(4-5), 310-316.
Aleksić G, Popović T, Milovanović P, Starović M, Trkulja N, Savić D. Fungi diseases of apricot. in Biljni lekar. 2010;38(4-5):310-316..
Aleksić, Goran, Popović, Tatjana, Milovanović, Predrag, Starović, Mira, Trkulja, Nenad, Savić, Dušan, "Fungi diseases of apricot" in Biljni lekar, 38, no. 4-5 (2010):310-316.

Fungi diseases of peach

Aleksić, Goran; Popović, Tatjana; Milovanović, Predrag; Dolovac, Nenad; Gavrilović, Veljko

(Poljoprivredni fakultet - Departman za zaštitu bilja i životne sredine "dr Pavla Vukasovića", Novi Sad, 2010)

AU  - Aleksić, Goran
AU  - Popović, Tatjana
AU  - Milovanović, Predrag
AU  - Dolovac, Nenad
AU  - Gavrilović, Veljko
PY  - 2010
UR  -
AB  - Peach is one of the most important fruit species. A large number of phytopathogen microorganisms causing economically damaging disease. This paper describes the most important phytopathogenic fungi occur in peaches: Taphrina deformans, Podosphaera pannosa, Monilinia laxa, M. fructigena, Cladosporium carpophilum, Stigmina carpophila, Cytospora cincta, Phomopsis amygdali, Botryosphaeria spp., Chondrostereum purpureum, Colletotrichum gleosporoides, Rhizophus stolonifor and Armillaria mellea.
AB  - Breskva je jedna od najznačajnijih voćnih vrsta. Parazitira je veći broj fitopatogenih mikroorganizama, prouzrokujući ekonomski štetna oboljenja. U ovom radu su opisane najčešće fitopatogene gljive koje se javljaju na breskvi: Taphrina deformans, Podosphaera pannosa, Monilinia laxa, M. fructigena, Cladosporium carpophilum, Stigmina carpophila, Cytospora cincta, Phomopsis amygdali, Botryosphaeria spp., Chondrostereum purpureum, Colletotrichum gleosporoides, Rhizophus stolonifor i Armillaria mellea.
PB  - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Departman za zaštitu bilja i životne sredine "dr Pavla Vukasovića", Novi Sad
T2  - Biljni lekar
T1  - Fungi diseases of peach
T1  - Mikoze breskve
EP  - 310
IS  - 4-5
SP  - 299
VL  - 38
ER  - 
author = "Aleksić, Goran and Popović, Tatjana and Milovanović, Predrag and Dolovac, Nenad and Gavrilović, Veljko",
year = "2010",
abstract = "Peach is one of the most important fruit species. A large number of phytopathogen microorganisms causing economically damaging disease. This paper describes the most important phytopathogenic fungi occur in peaches: Taphrina deformans, Podosphaera pannosa, Monilinia laxa, M. fructigena, Cladosporium carpophilum, Stigmina carpophila, Cytospora cincta, Phomopsis amygdali, Botryosphaeria spp., Chondrostereum purpureum, Colletotrichum gleosporoides, Rhizophus stolonifor and Armillaria mellea., Breskva je jedna od najznačajnijih voćnih vrsta. Parazitira je veći broj fitopatogenih mikroorganizama, prouzrokujući ekonomski štetna oboljenja. U ovom radu su opisane najčešće fitopatogene gljive koje se javljaju na breskvi: Taphrina deformans, Podosphaera pannosa, Monilinia laxa, M. fructigena, Cladosporium carpophilum, Stigmina carpophila, Cytospora cincta, Phomopsis amygdali, Botryosphaeria spp., Chondrostereum purpureum, Colletotrichum gleosporoides, Rhizophus stolonifor i Armillaria mellea.",
publisher = "Poljoprivredni fakultet - Departman za zaštitu bilja i životne sredine "dr Pavla Vukasovića", Novi Sad",
journal = "Biljni lekar",
title = "Fungi diseases of peach, Mikoze breskve",
pages = "310-299",
number = "4-5",
volume = "38"
Aleksić, G., Popović, T., Milovanović, P., Dolovac, N.,& Gavrilović, V.. (2010). Fungi diseases of peach. in Biljni lekar
Poljoprivredni fakultet - Departman za zaštitu bilja i životne sredine "dr Pavla Vukasovića", Novi Sad., 38(4-5), 299-310.
Aleksić G, Popović T, Milovanović P, Dolovac N, Gavrilović V. Fungi diseases of peach. in Biljni lekar. 2010;38(4-5):299-310..
Aleksić, Goran, Popović, Tatjana, Milovanović, Predrag, Dolovac, Nenad, Gavrilović, Veljko, "Fungi diseases of peach" in Biljni lekar, 38, no. 4-5 (2010):299-310.

Mikoze šljive

Aleksić, Goran; Popović, Tatjana; Milovanović, Predrag; Živković, Svetlana; Stojanović, Saša; Kuzmanović, Slobodan

(Poljoprivredni fakultet - Departman za zaštitu bilja i životne sredine "dr Pavla Vukasovića", Novi Sad, 2010)

AU  - Aleksić, Goran
AU  - Popović, Tatjana
AU  - Milovanović, Predrag
AU  - Živković, Svetlana
AU  - Stojanović, Saša
AU  - Kuzmanović, Slobodan
PY  - 2010
UR  -
AB  - Several economically harmful phytopathogenic fungi, causing the disease, were described on plum. They are: Taphrina pruni, Polystigma rubrum, Monilinia laxa, M. fructigena, Tranzshelia pruni-spinose, Stigmina carpophila, Phoma prunicola and Phomopsis spp. The paper described the plum diseases caused by these fungi, symptoms of disease, the spread, the conditions for infection and prevention measures.
AB  - Na šljivi je opisano nekoliko vrsta ekonomski značajnih fitopatogenih gljiva, prouzrokovača bolesti. To su: Taphrina pruni, Polystigma rubrum, Monilinia laxa, M. fructigena, Tranzshelia pruni-spinose, Stigmina carpophila, Phoma prunicola i Phomopsis spp. U radu su opisana oboljenja na šljivi prouzrokovana ovim gljivama, simptomatologija bolesti, širenje, uslovi za zarazu i mere suzbijanja.
PB  - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Departman za zaštitu bilja i životne sredine "dr Pavla Vukasovića", Novi Sad
T2  - Biljni lekar
T1  - Mikoze šljive
T1  - Fungi diseases of plum
EP  - 323
IS  - 4-5
SP  - 316
VL  - 38
ER  - 
author = "Aleksić, Goran and Popović, Tatjana and Milovanović, Predrag and Živković, Svetlana and Stojanović, Saša and Kuzmanović, Slobodan",
year = "2010",
abstract = "Several economically harmful phytopathogenic fungi, causing the disease, were described on plum. They are: Taphrina pruni, Polystigma rubrum, Monilinia laxa, M. fructigena, Tranzshelia pruni-spinose, Stigmina carpophila, Phoma prunicola and Phomopsis spp. The paper described the plum diseases caused by these fungi, symptoms of disease, the spread, the conditions for infection and prevention measures., Na šljivi je opisano nekoliko vrsta ekonomski značajnih fitopatogenih gljiva, prouzrokovača bolesti. To su: Taphrina pruni, Polystigma rubrum, Monilinia laxa, M. fructigena, Tranzshelia pruni-spinose, Stigmina carpophila, Phoma prunicola i Phomopsis spp. U radu su opisana oboljenja na šljivi prouzrokovana ovim gljivama, simptomatologija bolesti, širenje, uslovi za zarazu i mere suzbijanja.",
publisher = "Poljoprivredni fakultet - Departman za zaštitu bilja i životne sredine "dr Pavla Vukasovića", Novi Sad",
journal = "Biljni lekar",
title = "Mikoze šljive, Fungi diseases of plum",
pages = "323-316",
number = "4-5",
volume = "38"
Aleksić, G., Popović, T., Milovanović, P., Živković, S., Stojanović, S.,& Kuzmanović, S.. (2010). Mikoze šljive. in Biljni lekar
Poljoprivredni fakultet - Departman za zaštitu bilja i životne sredine "dr Pavla Vukasovića", Novi Sad., 38(4-5), 316-323.
Aleksić G, Popović T, Milovanović P, Živković S, Stojanović S, Kuzmanović S. Mikoze šljive. in Biljni lekar. 2010;38(4-5):316-323..
Aleksić, Goran, Popović, Tatjana, Milovanović, Predrag, Živković, Svetlana, Stojanović, Saša, Kuzmanović, Slobodan, "Mikoze šljive" in Biljni lekar, 38, no. 4-5 (2010):316-323.