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Unapređenje rasta italijanskog ljulja (Lolium multiflorum lam.) primenom PGP Rizobakterija

dc.creatorDelić, Dušica
dc.creatorStajković-Srbinović, Olivera
dc.creatorŽivković, Svetlana
dc.creatorProtić, Nada
dc.creatorRasulić, Nataša
dc.creatorKuzmanović, Đorđe
dc.creatorSimić, Aleksandar
dc.description.abstractThe object of this study was to evaluate the possible PGPR effects of ryegrass inoculation with Pseudomonas sp. strains as well as its coinoculation with Rhizobium trifolii on the yield and quality of Italian ryegrassm, with the aim to select effective strains as biofertilizer. The inoculation effects of PGPR on the yield of Italian Ryegrass cultivar K-29t were examined in pot experiment under greenhouse conditions. The experiment was designed with 3 inoculated treatments with 3 replications in completely randomised system. Inoculation of ryegrass with two Pseudomonas sp. strains LG and L1K alone as well as strain coinoculation with strains L1K and Rhizobium trfolii 459 represented treatments which were compared with control uninoculated treatment-Ø. The response of plant to the inoculation and coinoculation was positive in comparison to uninoculated plants. Results showed a significant positive influence of coinoculation with strains R. trifilii 459 and Pseudomonas sp. LG as well as Pseudomonas sp. L1K alone on shoot yield, N and P contents of Italian ryegrass. Results indicated that Pseudomonas sp. strains L1K and LG alone and in coinoculation with rhizobial strains can be investigated in further researches as potential agent of biofertilizer for plant growth promotion of Italian ryerass.en
dc.description.abstractU eksperimentu u sudovima ispitivan je PGPR efekat sojeva Pseudomonas sp. kao i koinokulacija sa Rhizobium trifolii 459 na prinos i kvalitet italijanskog ljulja, Lolium multiflorum Lam. kroz prvi i drugi otkos a u cilju selekcije efikasnih sojeva kao biofertilizatora. Kao biljka domaćin, korišćena je sorta italijanskog ljulja K-29. Eksperiment se sastojao od tri tretmana sa inokulacijom i jednim kontrolnim neinokulisanim tretmanom u 3 ponavljanja u kompletno randomiziranom sistemu. Uticaj inokulacije italijanskog ljulja sa pojedinačnim sojevima LG i L1K kao i koinokulacije sa L1K i Rhizobium trfolii 459 ocenjen je kroz analizu određenih parametara (suva nadzemna masa, ukupan sadržaj N i P u suvoj nadzemnoj masi) koji su poređeni sa kontrolnim neinokulisanim tretmanom. Odgovor biljaka na inokulaciju i koinokulaciju je bio pozitivan u poređenju sa kontrolom. Prema rezultatima, koinokulacija ljulja sojevima R. trifilii 459 and Pseudomonas sp. LG kao i inokulacija pojedinačnim sojevima LG i L1K su uticali na značajno povečanje prinosa suve nadzemne mase u oba otkosa ali i sadržaja N i P u nadzemnom delu biljke. Rezultati su ukazali da sojevi Pseudomionasa samostalno ili u inokulaciji sa sojem R. trifolii imaju potencijal za unapređenje rasta italijanskog ljulja i da predstavljaju potencijalne agense
dc.publisherInstitute for Plant Protection and Environment, Belgrade
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/37006/RS//
dc.sourceZaštita bilja
dc.subjectItalian ryegrassen
dc.subjectRhizobium trifoliien
dc.subjectItalian ryegrasssr
dc.subjectRhizobium trifoliisr
dc.titleGrowth promotion of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum lam.) by application of plant growth promoting Rhizobacteriaen
dc.titleUnapređenje rasta italijanskog ljulja (Lolium multiflorum lam.) primenom PGP Rizobakterijasr
dc.citation.other63(2): 93-99



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